16.) Haters BACK OFF [T.F]

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Your POV
Threats had been sent to me all day because of dating Tom Felton, they assume that i am just using him which i dont.

It had been months that i have been trying to shrugg it off my shoulder but the more i try to ignore it is the more they come at me.

Tom doesnt know about those haters and i want to keep it that way, i dont want Tom to hate his fans just because of a normal girl being hated.

One Morning I received another threat from my messages that tore me apart, i couldnt handle it anymore.

My eyes pour with tears but i tried to silent it since Tom was just sleeping beside me, i threw my phone on the ground and rushed to the bathroom door. But i swore i heard Tom groan, i sobbed near the mirror looking at my face which was horrible...

I couldnt manage it anymore, it almost will be two months since those slanders come at me.

Tom's POV
I woke up by the sound of a door barge close, i opened my eyes to see noone beside me and a phone unlocked with.... a message?

'You should kill yourself slut'

The number was unknown but i knew this was referring to y/n... i exit the page of the user and only seeing more threats, some were past this month.

Y/n was hiding this all this god damn time?

I heard sobs escaping the bathroom as i hopped out of the bed, i tried to open the door but with no luck. It was locked.

And then i heard her screams and a- a FUCKING RASOR?

Shit! "Y/n open up!" I yelled and knocked on the door, i wanted the door to break, i need to see if she's not doing what i think she's doing.

"Im sorry Tom, those— fans of you-rs kept sending me- threats the past two-months- i just couldnt tell you because— i didnt want you to hat-hate your fans because of an— ordinary girl-" Y/n managed to say it through her sobs, but what she said only made me angrier, "maybe they were right, i should have killed myse-" It was cut off my thud, my mind was blowing i kicked the door with my own force for a complete while and it finally broke open.

I saw blood pasted on the floor while now was moving to our room, i saw y/n laying on the floor and is losing a lot of blood.

I rushed to her and covered her arms, i took a glance on her face which was covered with tears, I managed to get her phone from my pocket and dialed for help.


I was sitting by the waiting area looking at the walls zoned out, i had just tweeted and posted news that i want my fans to hear. I just wished that Y/n could have told me earlier, if it weren't for my busy business i would have clearly seen through her that she wasnt alright.

"Mr. Felton" I heard my name was called as i shot my head up to see the nurse with a worried look, i rushed to her and asked what was wrong.

"She lost a lot of blood at this moment, we will have to transfer the same blood type to her or else she wouldnt be able to make it." The nurse said while we were walking to Y/n's room. I couldnt be more stressed, and relieved that i have the same blood type as y/n.

"Me and Y/n have the same blood type, ill transfer" I said without hesitation as the nurse nodded and called the other helpers.


The blood transfer went well and we only needed to wait for y/n to wake up.

After a few hours of waiting, her hands had moved and gripped it tighter to mine.

"NURSE! SHE'S WAKING UP!" I yelled with a full relief and kissed her hands.

"Im sorry" Tears with happines had filled my eyes as i kissed her hands multiple times, Y/n's eyes opened but soon covered it because of the bright light.

I moved the lamp away from her eyes and she opened it once again, i cupped her cheeks and tucked her hair, "Dont ever hide those things again please.." I whispered as the nurse went barging in the room with full smiles on their faces.

"Goodness lord.." A nurse had said and clench her chest.

"Im sorry" I heard y/n whispered and i looked at her face with a confused look, "never be sorry about that situation..." I kissed her forehead one last time as i left doing what i was told to.

-Few days later-

Those few days have been well for me and y/n, so far the haters that had threatened y/n had stopped.

I was cuddling with y/n right now while she was snoring, her face were so beautiful that i could look at them all day without boring.

Until i heard her phone dinged, i tried to not snoop on her phone but it was so close to me. I looked at the message and smiled.

'We love you y/n! Please take care of our Tom'


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