She took her time observing his facial features, she is surely lucky to have a model figure King as her husband.

Vijay held his laugh looking at Vrishali and Padmanabh who zoned out gazing at each other. He pulled his phone out and secretly took the photos loving the intense gaze.

"Hello? Are you going to answer?" Harika snapped the both of them from their thoughts.

"Harika! Come on yarr... I was enjoying that," Vijay hissed at Harika. Vrishali hissed at her inside her brain.

"Hmm... My grandparents wanted me to marry Padmanabh. It's an arranged marriage so, yeah," Vrishali answered.

"I mean you are from New York and you just agreed to a arranged marriage? You are only twenty years old. Most of the girls of your age enjoy their youth," Harika poked her nose deep.

Vijay knew where Harika is going, even Padmanabh felt uncomfortable with the question. Even he agreed to the marriage after knowing that Vrishali is only twenty years old. He could've declined but he didn't and respected his grandparent's decision.

"Hey, forget about it. It's their choice and decision," Vijay said looking at Harika.

"What? I'm just curious to know. Are you going to answer the question Vrishali?" Harika asked.

Vrishali's ears flared in anger, she doesn't like it when they point their fingers in her matters deeply. Vrishali has been controlling her anger from the morning, Harika is testing Vrishali's patience.

Her bitch mood is on, Vrishali isn't any kid like they are making her feel. She knew where to click the buttons.

She smiled too sweetly at Harika, "yes I'm from New York but that doesn't mean that I'm not Indian or I don't respect my grandparent's wishes. I didn't just agree with their decision, I took my time before saying yes. I know them and I trust their choice. And wouldn't you agree to marry him if you were in my position?" Vrishali spoke done with Harika's ways.

"I'm sure you would say yes to him, your bad I married him." She added not giving her a chance for Harika to speak.

Vijay's eyes widen and he choked on his drink. Padmanabh looked at Vrishali in shock while Harika couldn't think of what to say, she is too shocked to reply.

"Woah, haha... Padmanabh is my best friend and marrying him? I never thought so you don't have to worry. I wouldn't go for your husband," Harika spoke with a fake smile.

Like I would trust those words...

Vrishali thought inside her mind.

"I apologize Harika for the rude manner of saying. I hope you don't take Vrishali's words to heart," Padmanabh apologized. Vrishali frowned her brows.

"Haha, that was Woah! Like reminding the boundaries..." Vijay joked giving a huge smile to Vrishali. Harika grunted her teeth before kicking Vijay's leg under the table.


"What happened?" Padmanabh asked.

"Nothing." The food came and it was served by the waiters.

Vrishali silently ate her food as she is hungry and didn't eat in the morning. While she filled her plate with all the food and curries Harika barely filled her plate.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Vijay asked Harika after seeing her plate.

"I'm on diet," Harika replied. Vijay nodded his head.

"I need to follow my diet too but I suck at it girl," Vijay said. Seeing Harika Vrishali suddenly felt self-conscious but she didn't show it on her face. Instead, she became busy tasting the food. The last thing she wants is Harika to see the jealousy on Vrishali's face.

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