Chapter Seven; One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Start from the beginning

"No." I said plainly and turned around to walk back to my spot, the feeling of water etched onto my skin so hopefully it'll be easier this time. "I'm trying to make my own glass of water, Maximoff so.." I waved my hand before raising it up in half fist form again. "Let me focus."

"Ah okay." She whispered and slowly sat on my right, a few feet away but no further than an arms distance.

Another deep exhale and I was back to the start, focusing on the water.. flowing.. glass building- crunching.

I slowly turned my head and watched as Wanda stared at my hand while shoving popcorn into her mouth. "Wanda." I mumbled and she snapped her eyes to me. "Do you mind?"

"Oh is this bothering you?" She whispered, pointing at the bag of popcorn in her hands. I continued to stare at her until she moved it to sit at her side, then dusting her hands off. "Sorry, proceed."

Should've killed her when I had the chance, I thought to myself, smirking when her jaw dropped. "That's a bit harsh, Y/n." I simply turned my head and looked at the water again.

"Okay, this isn't going to work." She said after a moment of silence and failed concentration. "You're trying too hard and, I know I didn't have any of your fancy village lessons, but I can probably teach you a thing or two." I silently watched as she raise up, her hand reaching out to me. "Put your ego aside and let me help. It's the least I can do since.. your mother isn't here to continue the lessons."

I dropped my eyes to her hand and watched her stretch her arm toward me. I wanted to reach out and grab it, put my ego aside as she said..

"Thank you." I said, raising my hand to hers. "But I don't need your help." I pushed her hand away from me with the back of my hand and raised up while grabbing a long stick that I had carved sharp.

She silently watched me walk toward the lake again. "Okay.. well, I'm making breakfast if you want to come by-"

"I found fish." I retorted, walking into the lake and holding the stick up as I stared into the waters. "So you won't need to bring me any more food." My eyes drifted along the water before I shot the stick down, feeling the rough puncture under the other end of the stick, then raising it up to see a good sized sea bass on the other end.

"Looks like you were good for one thing, father." I mumbled. Twisting the stick out of the fish and holding it by its mouth, I walked back out of the lake. Wanda was still standing there, her arms crossed as she watched me but I had to ignore her.

I was starting to forget the whole reason I came here in the first place. It was to lure her to New York, as courtesy of Sword to cancel my own debts. The conspiracy against the government, kind of in trouble for a lot of murders, debt.

And here I was, lowering my guard and actually allowing myself to have conservations with the girl. Sixty days ago me would slap the absolute shit out of current me.

Though I didn't feel all too right killing her now, it felt equally as wrong to pretend everything was peachy keen. Nothing was peachy keen. My mother and sister are still gone, I'm still wanted by the government and so is she..

Where does that put us? Back at square one but hey, my desire to kill her wasn't that high anymore. That's something.

"I understand." She said as I slid another thicker stick through the mouth of the fish and pushing it through until it came out the other end. "But the boat looks like it needs a lot more work." I stuck the end of the stick into the ground as I stacked some blocks of wood into a small circle. "You may need more clothes and.. showering? You can't even make your own glass of water."

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