The Night Before

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The week between the game and Ben's acceptance to the Lon'En Cadets passed quickly.

Ben decided to keep going to school, which is mother found weird.

"It's because of Eileen isn't it?" she accused. 

He shrugged, "And Dustin, and Robbie, and Edward, and--"

"I get it, I get it," she said, holding up a halting hand. "Just kiss me and go."

He did, feeling like his feet had wings as he jogged out the door and climbed into Eileen's waiting car.

Beyond school his time was divided between avoiding his father, who wanted to 'have a talk', and his mother who would randomly burst into tears and pull him into a lung-crushing hug.

The week followed much of the same pattern until Friday night, the eve before the big move, when Dustin surprised him with a phone call.

"I still can't believe you're going to be gone," Dustin said towards the end of their conversation. "We've known each other since kindergarten."

"Yeah, I know. It's weird, right? You're going to have to lead the team now, Rodriguez."

"Wayden, Ben, don't put that kind of pressure on me. We're going to be hurting without you, but you've got to do what's best for your future."

Ben felt a surge of gratitude. Dustin always understood. "Thanks, man."

"Yeah. Anyway, how's it going with Eileeeeen?"

Ben sighed heavily, "About the same. It's worse now, though, because mom won't let us be alone. At all. She even watches as I get in and out of Eileen's car everyday. What does she think is going to happen in the two minutes it takes me to say goodbye?"

Dustin sniggered, "Gotta make sure her little deviant doesn't get handsy."

"I'd be okay with that, but she acts like Eileen is the deviant, not me."

"I don't know what to tell you. Mr. Marshall definitely thinks I'm the one that's doing the corrupting. I can tell he's never been bitten by a Vamp that likes him."

"At least you get that on the regular now. Eileen still won't even let me hold her hand."

"Like it's really your hand you want her to hold," Dustin teased.

Ben went silent for a minute, "Actually...I mean I wouldn't turn that down, but..."

"I know, Ben. Don't tell the other guys, but me too. I just enjoy being near Ginny."

Ben nodded even though Dustin couldn't see him. "I crave it."

"Like a drug," Dustin added knowingly. "Those girls are our crack."

"Yeah," Ben agreed. He and Dustin had always been thick as thieves, but with them both destined to be with Vampire women, they found they were bonding in ways they never had, understood each other more than ever.

"Oh, crap, it's already after five. I've gotta go. Mr. Marshall's going to be here soon, and mom wants me to help her with supper."

"Alright, later, D. Enjoy your crack."

"Oh I plan on it. Go kick ass, bro. I expect to hear all kinds of stories when you visit this Christmas."

"Same. Later, Dustin."

"'Bye... mi hermano."

Ben placed the phone back into its cradle and sighed heavily. It was going to be really tough not seeing his boys for almost half a year. But at least he'd get to see Eileen every week.

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