45. I will protect my family.

Start from the beginning

I grimace shaking my head, "I agree with you. One last check and then we are moving in. One thing though. I need you to take care of Ashley, I couldn't handle killing her myself, she was like my sister."

He looks at me sadly, "Yes ma'am. Anything for Mark. Consider her taken care of. Now what changes have you made to the plan."

I bring him over to the blueprints Rosie got when she first infiltrated their base. "So this is where they are being held and this is the safest place to infiltrate, but I'm thinking about going in the front door and making an example of everyone in the place. They will all learn that I am not to be messed with. I want a full on massacre."

"Alright, I know you're angry, so how about this: we send an advance team to get them all safe and then storm the whole base together." He does his best to calm me down.

That inspires me to create my own plan within the plan. Protecting them is my top priority, and once they are in the clear, I will live up to my name of Ghost and disappear without a trace.

I take one more look around my office before grabbing the letters discretely and following John out of the room. I place each of the letters in their bedrooms and leave the mansion, heading straight for the hideout.

Rosie's POV

Something's wrong. G should have rescued us by now. I managed to tell the others about what happened, but we're all losing hope especially with the uncovered mole who had helped plan everything.

I'm not sure how much longer Mark can last. The sperm donor's men have come in and beat repeatedly till he's unconscious. Based on his appearance right now I would say he'll survive one more day and then the internal bleeding will kill him.

That's if he isn't beaten again.

We're sitting in a white room, with a one-sided window keeping us from seeing out, but she could watch the beating without us knowing. Everyone is zip tied to the metal chairs we were left in, just sitting in a row. Thankfully we can turn our heads to take in how much damage has been done to Mark.

Shit! She's back and brought her two friends.

"She's next," Ashley commands the men, seriously pointing at me, before squatting in front of Mark. "He'll be dead in a day or two."

I silently thank God that Mark is still out cold and can't hear a thing, and pray that we are rescued before he dies.

I can't hold my anger in anymore, "G loves you more than you know. You just broke her completely. I hope you realize that while she may not have the guts to kill you just yet. Any one of her loyal followers, people she has spent her entire childhood saving, will do it in a heartbeat. You will die. She will not."

This pisses her off enough to start my beating herself. She slams her fist into my stomach, instantly turning my skin a light purple as a large bruise forms. Then she grabs my head, bringing her knee straight into my face, breaking my nose. The pain makes my vision go black, but I don't lose consciousness.

"Make it hurt" she demands as I hear footsteps stalking out the door.

Her pair of lackeys crack their knuckles like the lame henchmen in a movie. I roll my eyes at them internally as one moves closer to me with what he thinks is a menacing way.

The one right in front of me, starts clocking me in the face as the other grabs a metal bat moving behind him. They switch back and forth, trying their best to get me to show any sign of pain, but I don't make a sound and keep my face neutral.

Don't get me wrong the pain is excruciating, but I refuse to give them the satisfaction of showing my pain.

It pisses them off even more as they try harder and harder to hurt me. Finally giving up on their current attempts of making me show pain, the one with the bat grabs a hammer and smashes it into my kneecaps. The pain breaks through my mask, making me scream out in pain and wake up Mark. When he notices what's going on he starts yelling at them to beat him instead, but they shove a rag in his mouth and tape it in before turning back to me.

They go on to dislocate my shoulders and relocate them several times. My eyes start getting fuzzy not long after, but I fight it off as long as possible. The blackness overtakes me moments later drawing me into unconsciousness.

Mark's POV

"Damn it! You fucking idiots! You're supposed to be beating me up no one else." I groan out as I see them hurting my little sister.

I know everyone can see it, I won't last longer, so I will protect them while I can. Galaxy is coming, I believe in her, I'm just not sure if i can live till she gets here. I will keep my family safe, all of them, including my adopted sisters. Well, maybe not Ashley. I'll just kill her when I get the chance.

The duo ignores my cries and continues hurting her, but she doesn't change her expression once or even make a sound. It pisses them off so badly, they grab a hammer and smash her kneecaps one by one breaking her control. Her screams ring in my ear as all of the pain she's experienced makes itself known through her cries. I can't handle the experience as tears roll down my eyes.

Then the pair take turns dislocating and relocating her shoulders making her cry out with each new attack on her body. Right now, I can't do anything to help her, so I send up prayers that G is on her way.

Rosie lasts a few more minutes before blacking out. I'm relieved that they stop hurting her, but it scares me how far they went in her first beating. Ashley must be getting desperate to take us out now.

Speaking of the she-devil, Ashley walks back in as the men put their tools back in their places on the walls. One glance at Rosie and she slaps her in the face, "Maybe now you won't tell me what G's thinking. I know her better than anyone and if she's going to hate anyone, it'll be you for being so weak." Spitting on her, she kicks the chair over.

I step in before she can say anything else, "You do realise she can't hear you right? She's unconscious." My duh tone was not appreciated as she kicks me in the groin knocking the chair over leaving the room.

I sigh in relief that that's all she did, but I tense up at the blood seeping out of Rosie's head. Rosie has to be OK, I can't live without her and Galaxy. They are the only reason I haven't killed myself yet. I can't lose my siblings.

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