Out shopping all day and DREW!!

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(It's a week after last chapter) (addy is off of Breastfeeding) (Billie is back to pumping so addy has bottles)(also Ik Billie is straight but like this is a story so)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to my alarm so I turn it off and get up. I go to my bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth. I get my phone and go downstairs. I go to the kitchen and open the fridge and see that we have like no food. I open the pantry and see that there was nothing good so I knew that I had to go grocery shopping today. I grab a banana and eat that and once I was done I heard a thud from upstairs. I go upstairs and see addy out of her crib.
B- what are you doing Monkey
She jumps a bit then starts giggling. I pick her up and tickle her tummy which makes her giggle more.
A- s-st-stop m-ma-mama
Stop tickling her and let her catch her breath.
B- did you sleep well
A- yea
She says as I place her on the changing table
A- wat doing today
B- well we have to go grocery shopping then get you and me some clothes
I say as I slide her onesie off her feet
A- and get dwess (dress)
B- like what kind of dress.
I say as I throw away the old nappy and open a new one
A- pwincess (princess)
B- you want a princess dress, well which princess
I say as I slide the new nappy under her bum and gently place her bottom and legs back down
A- Elsa cause she pwetty
B- well we will see when we go out ok
A- otay
She says as I put the straps on. I pick out an outfit that looks like this:

 I pick out an outfit that looks like this:

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I pick her up and we go downstairs. She gives me her bobo and blanket so I put them in the counter and I get out a pre- made bottle (of Breastmilk ofc) and I take off the cap. I give it to addy and place her down. She walks/waddles to the living room drinking the bottle. I follow behind her and sit on the couch. She holds her bottle with one hand still drinking it and grabs a toy.
B- hey monkey hold your baba with two hands, we don't want it dropping
She puts the toy down and hold her bottle with two hands. After a few mins she waddles to me and gives me her bottle. I take the bottle and get up. I walk to the kitchen and place it in the sink. I go upstairs to my room and get changed into some shorts and a baggy shirt. I put some rings on and go back downstairs and go to the living room. I sit on the couch and watch some tv.
( an hour later)
I turn off the tv and get up.
B- ok monkey come here let's get your shoes on and get going
A- otay mama
She walks/ waddles to me and I pick her up. I get her little air force's and put them on her and I get my air force's on too. I get my purse and addy's nappy bag and I put some pre-made bottles in the nappy bag. I also grab her Bobo and blanket. I got out to the car and open addy's side. I get her in the car seat and I give her Bobo. I put the nappy bag in the seat next to her and grab a pasi out of it. I give her the pasi and she takes it and puts it in her mouth. I buckle her in the car seat and close her door. I put addy's stroller in back and close the trunk. I go into the drivers side and get in. I close the door and put my purse on the passenger seat. I start the car and start driving to the mall.
(Once they got there)
I park and stop the car. I get my purse and get out closing my door. I open the trunk and get addy's stroller. I unfold it and close the trunk. I open addy's door and get her unbuckled. I take her out and get her nappy bag. I close her door and lock the car. I get addy in her stroller and buckle her in it so she doesn't try to get out and I put the nappy bag in the pocket at the bottom and I put my mask on. I walk and push the stroller into the mall. I move the cover that was over her so she can see me. I walk around and walk into the Gucci store.
(GE- Gucci employee)
GE- welcome to Gucci need help with anything
B- Im good
GE- ok well call me over whenever you need help
I go to the shirts and look through them. I find two that I liked so I check the size and it was a little over my size so I get them. I go over to the shoes and see some baby shoes. I bend down in-front of the stroller and addy looks at me.
B- do you like these one
A- wook (look) nice
B- so should mommy get them for you
A- yea
B- ok
I call over a employee
GE- yes ma'am how may I help you
B- do you have these shoes in a size 4
GE- let me go check
B- ok
The lady leaves and after a few mins she comes back with a box
GE- ok so we have them in a 4 and a 4 1/2 if you would want to try those too
B- ok well I'll tell you if we need them
GE- alright
I take off one of addy's shoes and put on one of the Gucci shoes
B- how does that feel
A- good
B- can you wiggle your toes
A- yea
B- ok your foot is not squished
A- nu
B- ok
I feel at the tip of the shoe and she had some room there so it was good. I take off the shoe and put her other shoe back on. I put the Gucci shoe in the box and close it. I hold the box and stand back up. I go to the check out and pay for the two shirts and addy's shoes. I get my bag and leave the store.
A- mama toys
B- we can go to the toys when we are done ok
A- otay tan I have my iPad
B- sure
I get her iPad out of the nappy bag and pass it to her.
A- thanky
B- your welcome love
I walk around some more then I get swarmed by fans. I keep their attention away from addy as it will freak her out and scare her. Once I got a picture with all of them they left so i start walking around some more. I go into the children's place and look for Clothes for addy. I found a cute one piece swim suit with flowers on it. I pick it up and look around some more. I end up getting three swim suits, 5 more onesie, and a lot of outfits. Then I went to Chanel and got some things. I walk around some more and went to some more clothes stores. I checked the time and saw that it was addy's nap time.
"Dam time went by fast" I say to my self. I walk to where the bathrooms where and sat down on one of the chairs. I take addy out of the stroller and put her iPad back in her nappy bag. I adjust the stroller so she will be facing towards me. (It's one of those strollers that can adjust from facing away to facing towards you and it has like a little bed looking thing) I put addy back in the stroller and leave the bathroom area.
B- * low tone* nap time love
A- I nu need nap
B- *low tone* mommy is not going to argue with you about this, it's nap time
A- I nap but I wan baba
B- ok
I get a bottle from her nappy bag and take off the lid. She gives me her pasi so I take it and put it in the cup holder. I occasionally look up so I see where I'm going. I give her the bottle and she takes it and starts drinking the bottle. Once addy was done she was asleep so I put the bottle in the cup holder and place her pasi back in her mouth. She already had her Bobo so I fix her blanket so it's covering her. I went to some more stores then decided to get going. Once I got out of the mall And I see paparazzi. I pull the cover on the stroller but It didn't cover addy all the way so I take her blanket and use it to cover her. I quickly walk to my car and I was able to lose them. I get addy out of her stroller and open her door. I put her in her car seat and carefully buckle her in. I get her nappy bag and place it on the seat next to her. I close her door and fold the stroller. I put it in the trunk then I put all of the clothes bags in the trunk. I close the trunk and get in the car. I start the car and start driving to the grocery store.
(Time- 2:00) (once they got there) (time- 3:00)
I park the car and turn it off. I get my mask on and grab my purse and got out. I open addy's side and got her out. I get her nappy bag and close her door locking the car. I walk into the grocery store and got a cart and placed addy in the cart. I start pushing the cart and addy puts her little hands on top of my hands.
A- mama
B- yea monkey
A- you have big hands
B- yea and you have small hands
A- nu I have big hands
B- your hands are small
I say in a baby voice Which makes addy giggle. I go down the baby isle and get more nappys, bottles, baby wipes, baby powder, and baby wash. I get some more shampoo and conditioner and face wash. I go to the chips isle and I get like 6 bags of takis.
A- mama out
B- you want out of the cart
A- yea
B- ok
I take her out and set her down
B- hold mommy's hand monkey
A- otay
She holds my hand and I continue to get what we need. We get to the milk so I tell addy to stay next to the cart so I can get milk. I get two cartons of oat milk and walk back to the cart and addy wasn't there.

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