Modeling and Interview

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(Billie is trying to get addy off of breastfeeding again but addy got her stitches out but yea billie is trying to get addy off of breastfeeding again)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to my alarm blasting in my ear so I turn it off and get up. I had to wake up early today because I had modeling today and an interview. I put my hair up and do my skin care. I take out my hair tie, change into some shorts and a baggy shirt and get my phone. I check to see what time I have to be there so I can figure out what time we have to leave. I have to be there at 10:30 so we would have to leave the house at 9:00. I check the time and see that it's 7:00 so I had some time. I go downstairs and make myself some vegan pancakes. I eat then just go on my phone.
(An 45 mins later 7:50)
I check the time and see that I need to get addy up and changed as it takes a while to get addy ready. I go upstairs to her room and open the door. She was peacefully sleeping and she was so cute. I rub her back slowly and she starts moving. She rubs her eyes with the back of her hand. She holds her Bobo over her pasi and moves so she looking away from me. I keep rubbing her back.
B- come on baby you need to wake up
She whines but looks up at me. I pick her up and place her on the changing table. I change her nappy and change her into a short sleeve onesie with matching shorts. I clip a pasi to her shirt and pick her up. She try's to pull down my shirt but I move her hand. I change the way I hold her then I pull down my shirt and bra. She latches on so I get an extra outfit and extra pasi just in case. I go downstairs and place them in her nappy bag. After 25 mins addy latches off so I clean my self off and clean addy. I pull my bra and shirt back up and get my shoes on. I get addy's shoes on and grab my purse and the nappy bag. I unlock the car and open addy's side. I get her strapped in and I give her Bobo and her iPad. I put her nappy bag on the seat next to her and close her door. I get in the drivers side and put my purse on the passengers seat. I start the car and start driving. Once we got there I park and turn off the car. I grab my purse and the nappy bag and get out. I close the door and open addy's side. I unbuckle her and pick her up placing her on my hip. I look at what she was doing and she was playing some random game. I close her door and walk to the studio. Addy moves her iPad to my shoulder and continues to play which makes me laugh. I knock and the door opens and I see destiny.
D- hey Billie come in
B- thank you
I walk in and destiny closes the door. Everyone says hi to me and addy but she was to distracted by her iPad.
D- ok so let's get started, Haley will be doing your makeup, hair, nails and clothes
B- ok let me just put this stuff down
D- yea you can put your bags next to the seat
B- ok thank you
D- we can get a Chair for the little one or
B- no she's fine she can sit on my lap
D- ok then we are good
I walk over to the chair and I see that my name was on it. I put the bags down next to it and sit down putting addy in my lap. She looks up at me so I kiss her forehead. She giggles and smiles and goes back to playing on her iPad. Haley starts doing my makeup and I wrap my arms around addy.
H- so are you excited about this shoot or just tell what's on your mind
B- I'm really excited about this shoot you know like I never wear anything like this so I'm really happy about that
H- that's good do you think this little one will do photo shoots
B- I mean she might but I don't know how she would do with all of the people, the camera's, and all the back and forth type stuff you know but maybe if she's fine with it
H- totally get that like you would want to make sure she's fine with everything before you make a decision
B- yea and that's the thing like I don't get how some people just put there kids out for photo shoots without asking the kid
H- yea it's just crazy, close your eyes for me, thank you
Haley finish's up my makeup and it looked super nice.
H- ok let's get you changed and then after I can do hair and nails
B- ok
I get up and put addy on the chair but she didn't like that I had put her down.
A- nu mama stay
B- I will be right back love I have to get changed ok
A- promise
B- I promise
I kiss her cheek and she goes back to playing On her iPad. I go behind the curtain and get changed into the first outfit which was a custom corset and skirt, underwear and bra, then latex gloves and jewelry. I got changed and Haley kinda fixed it up a bit. I walk out of the curtain and addy looks over at me.
A- mama pwetty
B- thank you baby
She smiles and looks back at her iPad. I pick her up and sit down and put her on my lap. Haley does my hair and nails and once she was done, I got up and place addy on my hip as they were still setting up. Once they where ready I put addy down on the chair. She was to distracted by her iPad so that was good. They get some pictures and I look at them. They looked nice but now I had to change into the next one. I walked over to addy to see if she's ok as Haley gets my next outfit. I bend down so I catch addy's attention.
B- are you ok monkey
A- uh-oh
I laugh and pick her up.
B- where is the bathroom
I say as I pick up the nappy bag
H- it's over there
B- ok thank you
I walk over to the bathroom and go inside. I lock the door and there was a changing table attached to the wall. I open it and put a paper cover over it. I place addy down and change her. I pick her back up and throw away the trash. I wash my hands and unlock the door. I leave and pick up her iPad from the Chair and set her down. I give her the iPad and she goes back to playing. I walk behind the curtain and get dressed in the second outfit which was a custom trench coat and corset, boots, gloves, and jewelry. I had my phone so I quickly take a picture of addy who was sitting in my chair and see looked so small. I put it a text box and type "at a photo shoot and I just noticed how small addy looked compared to the chair" I move it so you could see addy and read the text. I put it on my story and my posts. Addy looks over at me and smiles.
A- mama you wook (look) weawwy (really) pwetty
B- thank you baby your to kind
A- huggie
I pick her up and she hugs me. She lets go and I just hold her because I know I won't be able to hold her a lot due to the photo shoot. I look over and they finished the set so I set addy down and walk over to the set. They take the pictures and I chose the best one. I pick up my phone and check to see what time it is and it was addy's nap time.
B- ok nap time baby
A- nuu I nu need nap
B- baby it's nap time
A- I can't sweep on this
B- I know that's why I'm going to get your carrier out of the car
A- but I nu tirwd
She says she yawns.
B- it sure seems like your tired
A- nu I not
D- everything ok
B- yea it's just this ones nap time and i have to get her carrier out of the car
D- I can go get it for you
B- thank you destiny here is the key it's in the back
D- ok
Destiny leaves and pick up addy Turing off her iPad and putting it in my purse. I place her pasi in her mouth and rock her. Destiny gets back with the carrier, she hands me my keys back and she puts the carrier on the ground.
B- thank you
D- no problem
I continue to rock addy as she kept fighting sleep but she finally fell asleep. I carefully place her in the carrier, placing Bobo in her arms, and covering her with a blanket. I kiss her forehead and go into the curtains. I get changed into the third outfit which was a corset dress with a draped skirt, latex gloves, suspender belt, stockings, Sandals, and jewelry. I sit down and Haley fixes my hair. I take a picture of addy sleeping in her carrier and post it with the caption " mommy's little sleepy girl" I turn off my phone and I guess I forgot to put my phone on silent because It started blowing up with notifications. I quickly put it on silent mode and put it down. They were still getting the set ready so I sit down next to addy and hold her little hand. She holds onto my finger so I kiss her hand and wait for them to get the set ready. I go on my phone and go through the comments on my post and most of them are how cute addy or how I'm soft when it comes to addy. One comment catches my attention and the comment was "I love how Billie will actually make a caption if she's posting about addy but she will put an emoji for any other post" I reply to the comment saying "I only put captions for addy because she's my baby" I turn off my phone and see that they finished with the set so I take addy's hand off my finger and put my phone in my purse. I go into the set and pose. They take a few pictures and I chose the best one. We got to take a break for lunch so I change back to my shorts and shirt and I sit on the floor next to addy. We got two hours to do what we want and then we had to take the rest of the pictures. I ordered a salad and get vegan ranch off of Uber eats. After 45 mins it finally gets here so I open the door and grab the bag. I sit back down on the floor and take the salad out of the bag. I take off the plastic lid and put the ranch on it. I stir the salad a bit and once it was good I started eating. Out of the corner of my eye I see addy moving around. I turn her carrier so she is facing me and I watch as she rubs her eyes. I get up and get her nappy bag and sit back down knowing she will want to be feed. She looks at me and smiles a little. I take her out of the carrier and she squints from all the light. I set her in my lap and she snuggles up on me. I eat some more of my salad and then addy try's to pull my shirt down. Lucky no one was looking so I pull her hand away and fix my shirt. I get her feeding blanket out and cover my self and addy. I pull one side of my shirt and bra down and she latches on and placed her small hands on my boob. I eat my salad and once I was done I put the trash in the bag. After 30 mins addy's latches off so I quickly clean my self off and pull my bra and shirt back up. I take off the blanket and burp addy. I get up placing addy on my hip and I get my trash. I walk over to the trash can and threw away the bag. I walk around and notice that addy was drooling on my shirt so I wipe her mouth and chin with my shirt. I place her pasi in her mouth and sit down on my chair. I place addy on my lap and give her the iPad. She plays some random game so I go on my phone.
(45 mins later)
H- ok let's get you changed into the next outfit and fix up your hair and makeup
B- alright
I get up and place addy on the chair. I go behind the curtain again and get changed into the forth outfit which was a custom cat suit, corset, shoes, and jewelry. I walk over to my chair and pick up addy. I sit down and place addy on my lap. Her iPad was at low battery so I put it in my purse. Addy traces the part of my tattoo that was visible with her finger as Haley fixes my hair and makeup.
A- mama what this
B- a tattoo
A- tan I get one
B- when you get much much older
A- otay, tan I have your phone
B- yea
I get my phone and put kids yt on and Haley was done so I get up and place addy back on the chair. I go onto set and they take the pictures. I chose my favorite and walk back to the curtain. I get changed back into my shorts and get changed into the next outfit. It was only top half which was a custom bra and top with jewelry. We got the pictures for this one and I chose the one I liked. I could tell addy was getting bored from being on electronics so I pick her up off the chair and put my phone in my purse. I get some of her blocks out of the nappy bag and I set her down. She plays with the blocks so I get changed i to the next outfit which was a custom dress, bra and mules, sleeves, suspender belt, stockings, jewelry, and black heels. They are still getting the set ready so I sit down. I look over at addy who was stacking the blocks up and knocking them down. I look behind me and I see that there also done with the set. I get up and watch as they move the chair into place. I on set and pose. They get the pictures and i chose the best one. I take off the heels and walk over to addy. I crouch down and she looks up at me and smiles.
A- mama when tan we go home
B- soon love, mommy has two more outfits and then an interview
A- tan I stay wif you after you done wif the outfits
B- of course baby
She smiles and stands up. She hugs me and I hug back. I kiss her all over her face making her giggle.
B- ok love I have to get changed so you play ok
A- otay
I stand back up and walk into the curtain. I get changed into the second to last outfit which was a custom shirt and corset, haute couture, panties, suspender belt, stockings, shoes, and gloves. The shirt was more reveling then the others but you know that's fine. I walk out and they where already done with the set so I pose and they get the pictures. I chose the best and go back behind the curtain to get changed into the last outfit which was a custom corset dress, vintage sleeves, a bra, suspender belt, and stockings. I liked this outfit the best so I was really happy in how it looked. I went on set and they told me to look over at addy or how they said it " your little one" I look over at her and they take the pictures and I chose the best one. They had a outfit for me and addy which surprised me that they had one for addy. They give me my outfit and it was really nice. I get changed and they hand me addy's. It was like mine but smaller and more kid friendly. I walk over to her and she looks up at me. I pick her up and go behind the curtain.
B- mommy's going to change you into this
I say as I show her the outfit
A- pwetty
B- yea and it's like mine so we are matching
A- yay
I sit down on the floor and lay addy on my legs and I get her changed. I hold her and get up then place her on my hip. I walk out and put her clothes in her nappy bag. I get a pasi without a clip and give it to addy. She happily takes it and puts it in her mouth. We walk to another room and go in and it was big and there was what looked like to be curtains. I put addy down and she holds onto two of my fingers. We walk up to it and they open the curtains and there was a gold colored couch with pillows, a lamp, a little tv thing, and a rug that was all surrounded by curtains. They give me this remote type thing and tell me it's for the opening. I sit down and they move the pillows for me to put my arm on. Addy climbs onto the couch and sits in the little space between my legs and arm. I wrap my other arm around her and she puts her head on my chest. They close the curtain. I tell addy not to pay attention to the cameras and just ignore them. They open the curtains but not all the way. They get a close up shot of me pressing a button on the remote then I had to put my head back. Once they got the shot I had to sit on the floor so I get off the couch and sit on the floor. Addy kept messing around with my hand which I didn't mind.
(Once they were done)
I got up with and picked up a very sleepy and cranky addy. We walked out of the room and I set addy down in her carrier. I get changed then I get addy changed as well. I get my purse and nappy bag. I pick up the carrier and say bye to everyone.
(Skip to when they got home)
I pulled up into my driveway and parked. I turned off the car, got the two bags, and got out. I close my door and open addy's door. I unbuckle her and carefully pick her up. I close her door and go inside. I put the bags down and take off my shoes. I take off addy's shoes and go upstairs. I place addy in her crib and close her blinds. I close her door and walk to my room. I take a quick shower and get changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie.
(Skip to night)
I had already ate dinner and right now I'm laying in bed breastfeeding addy. Her eyes puffy and red from crying earlier. I watch as her eyes slowly start closing but she try's to stay awake. I slowly rub her back while holding her up. After a few mins she falls asleep and so I slowly remove my hand from her back and clean my self off. I place a pasi in her mouth and place her on my chest and I slowly fall asleep.

Ok so I do next chapter I will be making addy super clingy but I need an idea for the chapter. But I hope y'all have a wonderful day or night. Love you bby's ❤️❤️
3502 words

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