Play date fun

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(Thank you to this bby bilz_zanny12380 for the chapter idea, love you bby, now on with the story)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to addy jumping on my bed screaming for me to wake up. I rub my eyes and groan. Addy stops jumping and sit down. I look over at her and see how small she is compared to my bed. She crawls onto me and snuggles onto my chest.
B- good morning love
A- morning mama
B- how did you sleep
A- good
B- great
A- mama I hungy (hungry)
B- ok well what do you want for breakfast
A- pancakes
B- ok let's go make them
Addy gets off me and both of us get off of my bed. Addy holds my pointer and middle finger and we walk downstairs. Addy let's go of my fingers and goes to the living room to play. I start making us some vegan pancakes. I put addy's mini pancakes on one of her plates then I put my pancakes on a plate. I hear addy scream so I look over and she's running towards me.
B- hey what wrong why did you scream
A- spider!!!
She says in a panicked voice
B- ok Calm down
I pick her up and put her in the high chair and place her plate on the tray. She start eating so I go to the living room. I see the spider so I pick it up and open the front door. I let it out and close the door. I lock it and go to the kitchen.
A- mama spider gone
B- yup the spider is gone
She smiles and keeps eating. I wash my hands and eat my pancakes. Addy ate about 3 mini pancakes and I gave her five.
B- baby do you think you could eat one more for me plz
A- no I full
B- ok
I take her plate and my plate and place them in the sink. I get addy out of her high chair and she goes to the living room. I follow and sit down on the couch.
A- mama tan we go to the park
B- it's still morning time maybe we can go in a little bit ok
A- otay yay
She goes back to playing so I go on my phone. I scroll through Instagram and see a fan edit. I like it and put it on my story. Addy kept crashing her toy cars together so I record her.
B- what are you doing monkey
A- the lello car is mad at the rwd (red) car so they crash
B- ok so tell me this why is yellow mad at red
A- because rwd said that lello is stupid
B- so that's why yellow is mad, because red called yellow stupid
A- yea
*flips camera to face billie*
B- well there you have it folks yellow is mad at red because red called yellow stupid
----end of recording-----
I post it on my story and my posts so when addy gets older she can go back and see it. Addy continues to crash the toy cars together and it was getting a little annoying so I get up and crouch down to addy level.
B- ok I think red is sorry so how about we stop crashing the cars together and play with them on the car track instead
A- otay
She gets her car track and starts playing so I go back on the couch.
(A few hours later)
A- mommy tan we go to the park now
B- sure baby but let's get you changed
A- Yay
I pick her up and walk upstairs to her room. I place addy on the changing table and take off her onesie. I change her nappy and change her into this: (without the hat)

 I change her nappy and change her into this: (without the hat)

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I pick her up off the changing table and we go downstairs. I put addy down.
B- ok go play so mommy can get changed then we can go
A- otay
She goes and plays so I go back upstairs to my room. I get changed into some shorts and a baggy t-shirt. I put my phone in my pocket and grab my mask. I go back downstairs and addy runs over to me. I put my air force's on and I put addy's matching air force's on. I get the house key and we leave. I lock the door and i we walk to the park. Once we got to the park, addy Looks up at me for permission to go play so I nod and she runs to the playground. There was 2 or 3 other kids there. I put my mask on and sit down on an empty bench. I watch as addy plays with another little girl who looks around 3. After 30 mins addy and the other girl comes running to me.
A- mommy this is my friend lilly and we wanted to know if we could have a play date
B- well we would have to ask Lilly's parents to see if there fine with it, Lilly hunny where is your parents
L- over there
She points to a lady with brown hair, wearing jeans and a blouse type thing.
B- ok well we have to ask her if it's ok
L- ok then let's go ask
A- yea come on mommy let's go ask
B- ok I coming
I get up and follow them. The mom looks over at me then the girls.
L- mommy can me and addy have a play date
?- let me talk with addy's mom but in the meantime you two go play ok
L- ok come on addy
Addy and Lilly run on back to the playground and the mom scoots over so I can sit so I sit down.
B- hi I'm billie nice to meet you
N- hi Im Nora nice to meet you too, what do you do for a living
B- im a famous singer and songwriter
N- cool, im a dance teacher
B- cool
We talk for a bit when and she ask how old addy was
B- she is three
N- she doesn't look three
I explain to her that addy has midgetal and how it effects her body
N- oh poor thing does she know
B- no I don't want to tell her because she will be confused
N- oh well about the girls asking for a play date they can have one
B- ok great
As I say that the girls run over to us
A- mommy can we have a play date
B- yea Lilly's mom said it was fine
L&A- Yay
They both hug me and Nora.
N- who's house
B- it could be at my house
N- ok
B- we walked here so we can all walk back and you can call me when your ready to pick up Lilly
N- ok thank you
B- no problem
N- I drove here so Lilly be good for Billie and you can tell ask her to call me once you want to come home ok
L- ok mommy thank you bye I love you
N- bye baby I love you too
B- bye
N- bye
I get up from the bench and I put my hands out for the girls. Addy grabs two of my fingers and Lilly holds my hand and we start walking back to that house. Once we go to the house I unlocked it and opened the door. Addy and Lilly let's go of my hands but I stop them. I take off my shoes and I help both of them take off their shoes. Addy grabs Lilly's hand and they run off to the living room to play. I take out some coloring books, crayons, colored pencils, and markers and place them on the table in the living room. (Hehe don't worry their washable)
I go upstairs to my room and start on some work.

Addy's POV:
Me and Lilly were playing with my toys and I didn't see mommy around. I saw coloring books so me and Lilly started coloring.
L- let's color on the floor in the kitchen
A- yea let's do it
We get the markers and open them. We walk over to the kitchen and start drawing on the floor. Both of us were giggling.
(10 mins later)

Billie's POV:
I got done with my work so I got up and went downstairs. I didn't see the girls in the living room but as soon as I look over at the kitchen I see them coloring on the floor with markers.
B- what are you two doing, why are you guys drawing on the floor
I say as I snatch the now ruined markers out of their hand ms and throw them away.
B- why did you guys draw on the floor, I gave you guys coloring...
I notice that addy had tears running down her face and that she was noticeably scared so I calm down
L- I'm sorry Ms. Billie it was my idea I'm sorry
B- it's ok, come here addy baby it's ok
Addy walks over to me and I pick her up as she cry's on my shoulder.
B- ok How about I put on a movie for you and addy so I can clean
L- yea
B- ok let's go
Lilly walks to the living room. I turn on the tv and put it on Disney+. Addy had calmed down so I kiss her forehead and place her on the couch.
B- what movie
L- frozen
A- frozen pwease
B- ok frozen it is
I put frozen on and put the remote down. I walk back rn the kitchen and wet a paper towel. I start cleaning the marker away and I'm so happy I go washable markers. Once it was all Clean I throw away the paper towel and walk to the living room. I sit down and I could tell both of the girls were getting tired. I move so I'm in the middle of them and addy crawls onto my lap. I see a pasi just laying on the couch so I pick it up and give it to addy. She takes it and puts it in her mouth. Lilly snuggles up on my side so I put my arm around her. Half way through the movie addy and Lilly were both asleep and addy needed a nappy change so I carefully get up, moving Lilly's head on to the couch. I walk walk upstairs into addy's room and carefully place addy onto the Changing table. I change her nappy then gently pick her up. I go back downstairs and sit on the couch. I move Lilly so she is back snuggled in my side because I don't want her neck to hurt.
(An hour later)
Lilly rubs her eyes as she wakes up so I move my arm. Addy starts waking up too but she hides her face in my chest. She takes out her pasi so I take it.
B- how was y'all's nap
A- good
L- great
B- that good to hear
A- mama I hungy
B- ok what would y'all like
A- Mac cheese
B- ok Lilly is that fine with you
L- yea
B- ok I will go make it and you two can play
I say as I get up. Addy and Lilly both play and I go to the kitchen and start making vegan Mac and cheese. Once it was done I took out two of addy's bowls and put some in to the bowls. I get two forks and call both of the girls over. They walk over to me so I place a bowl down at the table and Lilly sits down. I give her a fork and I put addy in her high chair. I feed addy as I eat the rest that was in the pot. Once they we were done I took addy out of her high chair and her and Lilly went to play. I wash all of the dishes and put them in the dishwasher when I hear the door bell ring. I walk over to the door and open it and see Lilly's mom.
N- hi I'm here to pick up Lilly
B- ok I'll get her
I walk over to the living room
B- Lilly your moms here
L- ok bye bye addy
A- bye bye
They hug and I lead Lilly to her mom
N- thank you have a good day
B- you too
I close the door and walk over to the living room.
B- did you have fun
A- yea thanky mama
B- no problem
A- tan I have my nunu
B- yea let me get it
I get her pasi and hand it to her
A- thanky
B- your welcome love
(Skip to night time and they already had dinner)
Me and addy go upstairs to her room. I get a new nappy and onesie for addy. I walk to my bathroom and start the bath. I get addy undressed and once the water was half way I turn it off. I place addy in the bath and wash her body and hair. I take her out and dry her off. I get her changed and pick her up and go downstairs. I make a bottle for her and warm it up. Once it was warm I go back upstairs to addy's room. I sit on the rocking chair and put the bottle in addy's mouth. Once she was done drinking it she was fast asleep so I got up and carefully place her in the crib. I put a pasi in her mouth. I place her Bobo I'm her arms and put a blanket over her. I turn off her light and turn on her night light. I go downstairs and put the bottle in the sink then go back upstairs to my bathroom. I take a shower and change into a hoodie and shorts. I turn off my light, put my phone on charge and get in bed and fall asleep.

So I hope you guys and gals liked it have a wonderful day or night bye love bugs❤️❤️❤️
2386 words

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