Preschool and fever

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(Before I start thank you to these two loves
bilz_zanny12380 and eilish123grande for the ideas because this might have not been a chapter if it wasn't for you two so thank you, now for the story)
Billie's POV:
Today was addy's first day of preschool. I wanted to see how she did in public school before choosing to home school her. I get up and check the the time and see that we have two hours. I go to my bathroom and take a shower and get changed into this:

 I go to my bathroom and take a shower and get changed into this:

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I go downstairs and watch tv for like 30 mins. I get up from the couch and go upstairs to addy's room.

Addy POV:
I wake up to mama telling me it's time to wake up. I rub my eyes and put my arms out for mama to pick me up. She picks me up and placed me on the changing table.
M- ok baby mommy has put you in preschool so today after you get out, if you like it you can continue to go but if you don't then mommy will home school you ok
A- mama I stay wif you
M- no today you will be at a different place but mommy will pick you up after school ends
A- nuuuu mama I wif you
M- I'm sorry baby but mommy wants to know if have to homeschool you or not
Mama changes me and picks me back up. We go downstairs and mama puts me in my chair. She gives me some fruit and I eat it. Once I was done mama takes me out and grabs what she called a backpack. She puts my shoes on and we go to the car. She gets me in my car seat and buckles me in. She gives my pasi and my Bobo. She closes my door and get in and starts the car and starts driving.
M- ok monkey so you will be in a special class, it's like regular class but you will Learn things a different way so you understand
A- I nu wan to go I wan stay wif you
M- I know baby but if you don't like it then I can homeschool you ok
A- otay
M- and I know that you only like it when I change you but if you dirty your nappy then they will change you ok
A- nu nu
M- they won't hurt you ok I promise and listen mommy will pick you up at dismissal which is when you can come home ok
A- otay
We pull up at this big building and mama gets out. She closes her door and opens mine. She gets me out and I hold onto her shirt. She gets my backpack and closes my door. We walk to the building and go inside.
(SNT- special needs teacher*I don't want to put a name*)
SNT- hello this must be addy
M- yes it is addy baby say hi
A- hewo
SNT- so I heard that you where going to give schools try and if little miss addy doesn't like it she will be homeschooled
M- yes that is the plan
SNT- ok well I hope she likes it
M- ok well here is her backpack and one thing
SNT- sure what is it
M- at home she almost always has a pasi so will that be a problem or
SNT- oh no most certain not, it's just fine
M- thank you
SNT- no problem well let's get addy to class
Mama passes me to the teacher but I wanted mama.
M- bye monkey mommy will back to pick you up soon ok I love you
She says as she kiss her on the cheek
A- lub you too mama
She leaves and the teacher carries me to a room with some other kids.
SNT- ok guys and gals this is our new class mate her name is addy, everyone say hi to addy
EV- hi addy
A- hi
?- why is she wearing a diaper, is she not potty trained
SNT- Shaun we don't point out those things ok
S- ok sorry
The teacher puts me down on a chair and puts some blocks on the table.
SNT- I would like for you to put them from A to Z for me, can you do that for me plz
A- otay
SNT- ok and when your done raise your hand ok
A- otay
I sing the song mommy taught me and I put the block in that order. Once I was done I put my hand up and the teacher walks over to me. She looks at the blocks and writes something down.
SNT- good job addy now we will do colors, so I want you to color a rainbow and the colors in the right place
A- otay
She gives me a paper and some crayons. I start coloring and I put red, orange, yellow , green, blue, and purple. I raise my hand and she walk back over to me.
SNT- good job now you can color for a bit or talk to some of our other class mates ok
A- otay
She walks away so I go up to this girl.
A- hi
L- hi my name is Lilly, why do you wear a diaper, are you not potty trained baby
She says in a weird voice. She raises her hand and the teacher walks over.
L- miss why does addy need to wear a diaper
SNT- Lilly we don't talk about what others wear
L- but only baby's wear diapers
A- I nu baby
L- yes your are because you wear a diaper
SNT- ok Lilly that's enough, addy how about you go play ok
A- k
I walk over to the toys and start playing with the cars but then Shaun walks over to me
S- hey those cars are mine
He says as he pulls them out of my hand and the sharp edge cuts my finger. It hurts really bad and makes me cry.
SNT- hey what's going here
S- she was playing with my toy so I took it back but I didn't mean to hurt her
SNT- hey addy let me see what hurts
I show her my finger
SNT- ouch let's get you a bandaid
The teacher leave but comes right back and I hold out my finger. She puts a bandaid on my finger and Shaun apologizes.

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