🖤 Chapter 10 🖤

Start from the beginning

"That's a long time."

"Oh believe me, it could have been way worse!"

"Heh...So what did I miss?"

"Well I think I'm falling into a serious case of insomnia because of those nightmares. Kayn brang back the darkin weapon. He also found out about (L/N) but that was long before-"

"Wait, wait, WHAT?!"

"Kayn found out?! Did he told Zed? I hope I'm not involved because if I am-"

"No, no, no don't worry. I talked him into not telling anyone. (L/N) actually really loves him!"

"*sigh* Heh,that's good but (Y/N), please be careful with that luck of yours, one day it might run out."

"*giggle * Thanks for the warning I suppose. I will keep it in mind. "

As they sat there talking, Nakuri started to space out. His memories were returning at a rapid rate. That day after Kayn made him go through hell and back..

After he was left alone there with an opened wound on his shoulder, Nakuri recalled how he almost got caught and even chased by even more upcoming shoulders send to get the weapon back and kill him.

But of course if he was caught he wouldn't be here. There were still boats on the docks so he somehow managed to run to one and sail back to Ionia. Although his shoulder was severely damaged. Alot of blood has been lost and with all the running and time it took, it got only worse.

Even after he was already in his homeland that didn't meant it was over. Back then he was barely able to stand. The worst thing about it is that he had to drag himself back to the order. He avoided people since it would only slow him down. He never trusted strangers anyways. So he walked for probably hours the forest until he got to where he was.

It's funny. Back then he didn't even though he would survive this long to even come back. All the bloodloss really did effected him alot.

Nakuri smiled to himself. Maybe it was the best if he just kept it to himself. It would only worry (Y/N) and make unessesary drama. Plus he hated how annoying her yelling voice is so it would be for the best.

Just then the creak of the room's door was heard, making the two turn to it.

"So how is the  "patient" ?"

" Already awake. And he is recovering quite fast as well. "

Nakuri stifined at the sight of who was at the doorway. He didn't want to see Kayn right now, but its too late for that is it?

" I see. Zed wanted to talk to you, (Y/N). I will just say a thing or two to Nakuri."

"Ok. I suppose then I will be going then."

(Y/N) turned to Nakuri quickly and gave him a reassuring smile.

"I will be back in a bit, ok?"

Nakuri just nodded, dismissing her.

But before she left she turned around.

"Oh, and Kayn?"


"Please don't kill my friend, ok?" - she said jokingly.

He smiled a little bit before rolling his eyes.

"Yes, yes, whatever."

She then laughed a little before finnaly exiting her room, leaving the two men alone. Silence filling the walls as they just glared at eachother.

"I see you lived long enough to drag yourself here."

"No thanks to you."

Kayn glared at him before clicking his tounge. The silence was so thick you could probably slice it with a knife.

"When did you found out?"


"About (L/N)?"

"That lizard? The same day (Y/N) brought it here."

Nakuri then mentally face-palmed.

" *sigh* That sounds just like her."

"Was she the one who was taking care of me the whole time?"

"Considering she is the most skilled in it than all of us: yes."

"Good to know."

Another moment of awkward and hateful silence passed by. It felt suffocating.

"Alright let's cut the "small talk". Let get this straight. "

Kayn's face was cold and serious. Unmoving. Annoyance was partly written in his face as well.

" Not a word about what happened to (Y/N)... "

Nakuri smirked a little before replying :

" Oh? And why not? Is the great Shieda Kayn afraid of what our dear (Y/N)  might think of him?"

"I suggest you do not test my patience, Nakuri."

Nakuri ignored the threat as he slightly shook his head.

"No need to sweat. I was never planning to."

"Then I have no reason to stay here any longer."

And just as fast as he said that he existed room. The door closing behind him. Nakuri's eyes were glued at the door as he smirked.

Something told him that he'll be witnessing something very interesting very soon...


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