The last whistle was blown marked as the end of the match. The national team won two sets against Argentina and the camera moved to focus on the people cheering, celebrating the victory of the national team.

"Another service ace from Miya Atsumu! As expected from one of the best Japan's setters!"

My lips curved into a wide smile. Finally, I got to see him on the national's team. He really achieved his dream. Miya Atsumu, one of the nation's respected setters, recognized for his skill and talent in volleyball. Seeing him on the court eased me.

I'm proud of him.

My hand caressed the baby bump again, feeling the baby kicking inside of me. "He's insane for that. That was way too powerful for someone to retrieve it, might lose an arm" Osamu snickered, rolling up his sleeves. "But I'm super proud of him" he continued, shaking his head with a smile.

Osamu and I exchanged looks. "I'll be at the front handling the customer. You should rest, y/n" he said worriedly. "I'm taking Kou to the front with me, hm?" he grabbed the hand of the boy and pulled him out of the kitchen.

I watched them walk away before turning to look out the window again. The chilly breeze blew my hair, sending me chills all over me.

Hm, I love this kind of weather. It gives me comfort.

"I'm home, my wife" his raspy voice greeted me at my ear while his big arms wrapped around me. I let out a chuckle before turning to face him.

Miya Atsumu.

Someone who's now I call as my husband.

The father of Kouichi and Kaori.

"Welcome home, my husband" I greeted him back. I guess they let him to come home today.

There he is, the love of my life in his team's jacket and bag.

He put down his stuff on the floor and hugged me carefully. "I miss you" he said with a hum. "I miss you too" I replied, hugging him back. "Did you watch my play last night? We won" he said, pulling himself to look at me. The smile on his face, he was still excited about it. Atsumu and his little kiddy acts remained the same, and I still found him cute acting that way.

I hummed, nodding my head twice. "You were so good yesterday. Congratulations on winning the match, love. I'm super proud of you. We are all proud of you" I tiptoed to give a quick peck on his nose, causing him to scrunch up his nose. I saw him grinning, before he leaned to catch my lips in his, with his hand caressing my baby bump.

He tilted his head, kissing me deeply and passionately. His other hand slipped behind my back to keep me close to him. I kissed him back, hands tugging on his jacket to slightly pull him closer. Well, that one was a tease and he wasn't enjoying it. He broke the kiss, frowning while looking at me. "Do that again, and you're going through another nine months" he groaned.

I couldn't help but to emit a soft chuckle, shaking my head. "Give me a break, Tsumu. I'm not a factory. Besides, you need to be prepared for this one" I pointed at my belly.

Atsumu knelt down on his one knee and touched the baby bump, leaning his head closer to listen to Kaori kicking from the inside. "I hope you're going to grow up to be someone who's very strong, loving, caring, and beautiful just like your mommy, my daughter" he murmured.

His hand found mine, interlacing our fingers together. I looked at our wedding rings and my smile grew wider.

After all these years, going through such a roller coaster ride of emotions...

I'm now carrying his last name and also his heirs.

"Kaori's going to have my genes" Osamu said, interrupting our own moment. "Daddy!" Kou ran towards Atsumu and he caught the boy in his arms, carrying him up. "And why would she have your genes?" Atsumu tsked, rolling his eyes. "Because I look better than you. Can't let the girl to inherit the face of her father" I cackled at the grey-haired man's word.

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