Chapter 21

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Dr. Banner woke up and was happy to help me out, especially after Steve told him how severe it might be. "So uh, you wanna explain how an injury like this happened at 4 o'clock in the morning?" Bruce asked in a way that told me he already knew.

"He uh... he had a bad nightmare. He didn't wake up until after Steve came in." I explained.

"You know, we're gonna end up being best friends if you keep having to visit me." He joked. "Speaking of your multiple visits with me, with the bruising last time and even more damage this time I'm gonna recommend you wear a neck brace. Just for a short amount of time, a week at most, with how much trauma your neck has endured over a short period of time I want to ensure that it stays protected allowing it to heal so you don't end up breaking it."

"I understand." Bruce put the neck brace on me. "So uh, do you happen to know where he ran to?" I asked concerned. I wanted to speak to Bucky so he knew it wasn't his fault and that I'm okay.

"The training room. He grabbed his knives on his way down there, I passed him in the halls. I'm assuming he's just trying to blow off some steam maybe just cool his nerves a little, I'd need that too after all he's been through." Bruce explained.

I walked down to the training room and saw Bucky using the target practice with his knives. "Good morning." I said trying to be cheerful. He put his knives down but didn't look up at me.

"I hurt you Y/n." Bucky gritted through his teeth. "I keep hurting you."

"Buck, it's okay." I tried to reassure him but it didn't seem to work. He interrupted me.

"No, it's not okay!" He shouted as he turned around to face me. He looked and saw me wearing my neck brace and his face dropped. "Oh my god. I did that? It's that bad?"

"Bucky I'm ok, really." I tried my best to keep him calm. "Banner said that it's just a precaution from the trauma my neck has endured this time and last time."

"Yes exactly my point Y/n, both times were me, sure last time I was not me but this time I was. I'm out of control doll." He sounded pained then paused. We sat silently, I didn't know what to say.

"Explain to me what happened." He sternly requested. I remained silent, not wanting to tell him. "Y/n I want to know exactly what Steve saw when he walked in. Please tell me." He pleaded.

"You were having a nightmare, I tried to wake you but I couldn't. You were on top of me choking me. I tried handling it myself but I couldn't breathe." I explained sulking. "It's fine though really."

"No Y/n it's not fine!" He snapped. "I could've killed you and I'm supposed to be the one protecting you!"

Bucky reached his left hand up to hold my face but I had flinched. I didn't even realize what happened it was almost like second nature especially with all the stress and tension at the moment. I knew Bucky would never intentionally hurt me but that's now how he saw it. He looked at his metal hand in horror. He turned himself and began storming out of the room. "Bucky wait." I begged.

"No Y/n. I am a danger to you, you're afraid of me." He huffed as he continued to march off.

"Wait!" I reached my hand out and grabbed his. He turned back and looked at me but I felt him trembling. I pulled his hand up to my face and placed it on my cheek. I then grabbed his metal arm, he tried pulling it away but I continued moving his hand so both of his hands were holding my face. "See. I do not fear you my darling." He smiled before leaning in and kissing my forehead.

"I'm still a danger to you though. Maybe it's better if I sleep in the living room or back in the cell now that your brother's gone?" He suggested.

"Absolutely not. If you have your nightmares I am going to help you through them." I demanded.

"Hey -uh guys," Steve interrupted. "I'm gonna guess that somebody's here for you Y/n."

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