Chapter 3

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I've gone to Midgard many times with my brothers, I made sure to take note of every animal and every fascinating plant I could find. I love them dearly but I need to explore the city and the people and see what it's like there. I have many pages of the plants and animals but being the goddess of this exact thing I had already read many books of all of these creatures.

Heimdall, with his amazing sight over everything, has helped me gather some clothing that the people of Midgard wear so that I may blend in more to avoid any risk of conflict, I still knew better than to cause trouble. "Ready when you are Heimdall," I tell him. "Just drop me off outside of the city again so that they don't notice me."

"Will do miss. Stay safe and remember to call out for me if you need me to bring you back quickly." He explained to me. "If I see even the slightest amount of trouble I'm taking you out of there for your safety." I nodded at him as he sent me off.

I arrived shortly outside the city, the same place my brothers and I would normally be dropped off. I checked to be sure that my knives were secure and hidden from plain sight. I kept them hidden along my waistline with my skirt. I grasped my journal tightly prepared to finally take notes of the Midgardians. I was now, after many years of preparation, ready to enter the city and meet the Midgardians.

Though the palace was much larger it was very exciting to see all of these buildings being as tall as the others surrounding them. I looked around and saw all the shops with clothing in the window, which was thankfully very similar to the clothing Heimdall had retrieved for me. People were everywhere in sight. My eyes traced along the tall building as I walked along the sidewalk. Due to my brief distraction, I bumped into somebody and dropped my journal to the ground. "I'm so sorry about that, I was too distracted." I spoke frantically.

"Oh it's not a problem at all." the man said. He reached down and handed me my journal. "I take it this is your first time in Brooklyn?"

"Yes, it is. I've been meaning to look around and just enjoy my time here." I explained vaguely. I continued to think of lies to tell so that the Midgardian wouldn't know of my home. The point of this exploration was for me to blend in with them.

"Well, I'd be happy to show you around." He said. He then motioned for me to follow him down the street. "Now before we begin our tour of the city, I didn't get your name." He smiled.

"I'm Y/n." I introduced myself. I learned in my reading as a young girl that my last name being 'Odinsdottir' would certainly be a shock to them so I refrained from telling the man this. "I didn't quite get your name either sir."

"The name's James Buchanan Barnes." He said with a joking bow. "But most people just call me Bucky. It's a pleasure to meet you Y/n." I smiled at him.

We walked along the streets as he showed me many stores and restaurants. He brought me to get a lovely drink, coffee. "Mr. Barnes, you seem to know this place pretty well. Have you spent your whole life here?" I asked him.

"Yeah basically." He answered. "My friend and I grew up here and we've walked along these streets so much we've got it all memorized."

We paused for a moment to sit on a bench in the park. "What about you Y/n? What's your home like?" He asked me.

"Well," I began as I thought of a believable lie. "I grew up in a small town my whole life, quite far away from here. I've got my two older brothers and we all want some adventure, I thought this city would be a great place for just that. It seems it is Mr. Barnes."

"Oh please, just call me Bucky." He chuckled.

"Alright. Bucky." I smiled at him as he motioned for me to follow him to walk the city some more. We talked for what felt like forever, he spoke of his friend here in the city, and I spoke of my brothers while occasionally having to come up with lies about my life.

"That's all the excitement there is to show ya." Bucky said to me. "To really experience this place though you're gonna have to come back here more often."

"I suppose I will, and where is it that I can find you again?" I smiled.

"See that antique store across the street." He pointed towards the 'Brooklyn Antiques' "I'll be there at noon sharp tomorrow. We could spend the whole afternoon together. Don't be late though, I'd miss you too much." He joked.

"I'll be there." I nodded "I suppose I should return home. My brothers will surely worry if I'm not home in a timely manner."

"Well alright, I guess I can let ya go. But don't you forget about tomorrow." He chuckled.

"I won't." I began walking. "I'll see you tomorrow Mister James."

"I'll see you tomorrow Y/n." He laughed slightly "and I told ya, it's just Bucky."

"Well then, until tomorrow Mister Bucky"

He laughed as he walked away. I walked out of the city to the same place I had arrived. "Heimdall. Take me home" I commanded before I was taken home on the Bifrost. "Thank you." I said to him as I walked past.

"You're welcome, miss." He smiled at me. "Will I be expecting you tomorrow then. Wouldn't want you to keep Mister Barnes waiting."

"Yes, I think I will be seeing him tomorrow," I smirked happily. "Oh and Heimdall, it's just Bucky"

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