Chapter 14

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The jet landed and immediately Tony's girlfriend, Pepper, grabbed me and helped me walk to Dr. Banner's lab. She helped me up onto the table and Banner followed shortly after and began cleaning up my arm and stitching it. I still sat in shock, not even reacting to the stitches. Bucky was alive and he didn't know who I was, nor did he know himself, in fact, he had tried to kill me.

"You doing ok kid?" Bruce asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine" I lied. I could care less about how I was physically doing. Emotionally I was wrecked.

"Well your arm's all stitched up," he said. "You can sit in here for a bit if you need to. I know you probably have a lot to register." He didn't even know half of what was going on. I smiled and nodded my head then Steve walked in.

"Hey, Banner would you mind giving us a minute?" Steve asked. Bruce nodded his head and walked out. We both sat in silence but we knew what each other was thinking. "So uh, Bucky. He's alive."

"I suppose so." I sighed.

"Look Y/n don't take it personally that he hurt you." He reassured me. "I mean he clearly wasn't himself he couldn't even recognize his name."

"I know Steve, I know." My eyes began to tear up. "It just hurts making eye contact with someone you love and noticing right away that they don't even see you, they're just looking through you. They don't know you or recognize you. To make matters worse he looked me in the eyes as he threw the dagger, and all I could get myself to do was just stare at him, look into his eyes and still remember that love I felt and watch him not feel that way anymore."

"But Y/n did you see his face when I pointed you out?" Steve reminded me. "He recognized you, even if it was just for a second. I think there may be hope for him."

"Yeah, but what good will that hope do Steve? He wanted to kill us." I now reminded him. As badly as I wanted to believe we could get Bucky back I didn't want to get my hopes up and have my heart broken again.

Steve took a deep breath. "I think we need to kidnap him." I saw on his face he was being serious.

"Are you crazy? I could've died from today's interaction with him, running into him again could be a death trap." I motioned to my arm which had only just been stitched.

"Y/n please think about this. We could get Bucky back!" He persuaded me. "We can talk to the team in a bit ok?"

"Alright, I'm in. But the second it comes too close to a death trap we get ourselves out. Got it?" I loved Bucky of course and I wanted to help him but we needed to take precautions with him having no clue who we are.

Steve nodded his head as he brushed my hair out of my face. "We'll get him back Y/n." He promised me. He walked out the door to call a meeting. I guess now we have our next mission.

I took a minute to sit, breathe, and think of some sort of plan before joining the team in the meeting room where they all were waiting for me. Steve sat at the front of the table with an empty chair for me to sit next to him. He smiled as I sat down then stood tall and faced everyone.

"Guys we have our next mission." Steve announced.

"Wait what? We just got back from the last mission." Natasha was shocked.

"Well, this one's a rescue of a friend of mine from Hydra." Steve explained

"The three of us were to be heading home after the last mission. We have no reason to stay for some stranger." Thor said. "We're sorry about this friend of yours but we cannot help you, we must return to Asgard."

"We have plenty reason, Thor." I snapped. Thor and Loki both looked to me, confused. "The friend is Bucky. My Bucky, James Barnes. We found him while we were at the Hydra base. He wasn't himself though, he didn't even recognize his own name. I believe Hydra may be wiping his memory so that they may use him as The Winter Soldier."

"Hold on we're holding a rescue mission for one of the most deadly men alive?" Natasha questioned.

"He needs us. Whether you're in or out is up to you but Y/n and I need to do this. He means too much to us to leave him behind." Steve explained to them.

"Very well," Thor began. "I'll gladly help my dear sister"

"I'll man the jet." Bruce agreed.

"I'll help fight if you guys can give me a game plan on how we're gonna safely bring him here," Tony questioned. "By safely meaning ourselves. We can't just walk him in like it's a murderer parade."

"I was hoping you had some tech?" I asked. "Something to handcuff him until we can get him here. Once he's here we can put him in the cell Loki was kept in."

"Of course I have that tech, the fact that you question it is insulting." He replied.

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