Chapter 8

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𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕪 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕃𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣
I spend most of my day training. For what? Well nothing, other than to keep my mind busy. I had nothing to battle, thanks to my father I was no longer allowed too far away from the palace.

I tried remaining hopeful for finding Bucky one day but that hope had slowly begun to diminish. Father still hasn't changed his mind almost a century later and by now Bucky is probably long dead. Thor would often go to Midgard and had made some friends there, he tried to keep his promise and every time he finished a mission with his new friends he had searched for my Bucky Barnes, usually sticking near Brooklyn where I had met him.

I hear someone sneaking from behind me and quickly toss my dagger towards them. My brother Loki catches it right in front of his face. He's lucky he has his fast reflexes otherwise my dagger could've gone right between his eyes.

"Wonderful aim Y/n," Loki smiled. "I can tell you've kept up with your practice. You've always been a master in knife play. Though next time I recommend making sure your target isn't your brother."

I chuckled "Well next time, brother, I recommend not sneaking on somebody who is throwing daggers. One of these times you may not catch it." He shrugged at me. "What brings you Loki?"

"Just came to inform you that Thor leaves soon for Midgard again. I wasn't sure if you wanted to have him search for your Bucky again." Loki shared.

"Tell him not to bother," I grumble and begin training again. "I want him to quit his endless search."

"But Y/n what about your love for him. You've been wanting to find him for so many years you mustn't give up." He encouraged me. "Decades of searching to find him just thrown away now?"

"Brother I appreciate the gesture but as you said I have been asking Thor to search for Bucky for years all to no avail" I sighed. "Every single time that Thor returns he returns with the same news. He's long dead by now brother." Loki nodded his head and walked out of the room allowing me to continue training.

As I walked back to my room I saw my mother. "Y/n dear!" She called as she hugged me. "Has your brother spoken to you yet?"

"Yes Loki spoke to me and I don't wish to speak of it mother. I told him to tell Thor not to worry about me on his journey to Midgard." I explained. "I appreciate the three of you keeping high hopes for this, but really mother it has been decades and we've found nothing. I suggest we end it before I spend eternity searching for a dead man."

"Oh darling no I meant Thor. Have you spoke to him?" She asked. I shook my head. "Well, when you do see him he wishes to speak with you. He told me he wants to talk to you in person about something, and it sounded fairly urgent." My mother informed me gently, giving me a small kiss on my cheek.

Curious I walked around to find Thor. I searched almost the whole palace and he was nowhere meaning he was in the only room I had often avoided. Father's throne room. I tiptoed through the hall so that I could see if father was there. I saw Thor talking speaking with our father and decided to wait and listen to them. I wanted to avoid speaking to my father still, however, I also wanted to hear what Thor was speaking about.

"I truly think this would be a good opportunity for her father," Thor told father. "I have many friends there that she would enjoy talking to, and they are all highly skilled and can easily help keep her safe."

"Thor, it is not your friends I'm worried about. It's her" my father thundered. "The last time I allowed this she came home dreaming of a future with some mortal. I'm not sure I can risk her finding this man again, I do not want to repeat the same situation she was in with her risking her life by abandoning all of her common sense."

"Father it's been a very long time now," Thor began "I can guarantee you that the Barnes fellow is dead by now. We needn't worry about him. My team could use her help on the upcoming missions. Father you and I both know of her incredible skills with both her daggers and her powers. My team needs to recruit someone strong like her."

Father paused. "Alright. She may go." He reluctantly agreed.

"Yes!" I let out. Thor looked back at me and smiled. I stood up straight.

"Grab your things sister" Thor pat my back. "We're off to Midgard immediately."

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