Chapter 9

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I ran to find my brother Loki and tell him the exciting news that I'm allowed to go to Midgard again. "Loki!" I called as I found him walking the palace halls. "Father has allowed it! I'm going to Midgard with Thor!"

"Wonderful news Sister!" he grinned. "Tell me all about it when you return. I expect many tales of your adventures."

"Won't you come with brother?" I asked. "Please I could use your support there."

"I can try Y/n however the Midgardians are not fans of me. Especially friends of Thor." He explained. "Not a single one of them trusts me, and quite honestly I do not like them very much."

"Brother I'm sure they've moved past that by now." I smiled as my brother and I began walking back to our rooms to grab our things.

"And are we searching for somebody special while we're there then?" He hinted. "I mean you seem to be very excited to visit Midgard again, I assume you must be at least a small bit hopeful to find your love again."

"Brother I told you, there is no more Bucky. I just have to come to terms with that." I sighed.

"All right Y/n. I just thought to offer some hope. I wish to see that glimmer of love in your eye again." I smiled at him. "At least wear your locket. I've noticed you've kept it hidden more lately and I know even looking at it makes you happy." he whispered to me and I nodded in response before entering my room.

This time I was not going to risk never being allowed to Midgard again, meaning I made sure to bring my knives and wear armor. I kept my word for my brother and put on my locket. It had felt like forever since I've worn it, as usually, I was just looking at it before I went to bed now. I opened it to peek at his photo just to see his smile again. The photo was now tattered after years of it just sitting. I smile before closing my locket and walking off to find Thor.

I informed Thor that I wanted Loki to come with us so we could all be on Midgard again, much like we used to long ago. Of course, he had his ground rules. "No killing, no fighting, no mind games on my friends. You are coming along merely as support for Y/n. Nothing more. Someone is to be with you at all times until the team feels comfortable letting you be alone again. I highly doubt that time will come." Thor sternly listed as we arrived at the Bifrost.

"Well alright but they can't put me in a cell again," Loki agreed. "If I'm not going to be a threat I should not be in a cage, like an animal. You have your conditions I have mine. I feel that is fair." Thor nodded his head in response then looked up to Heimdall.

"Heimdall my friend. We wish to go to Midgard. There should be a landing space near the top of the Avengers tower. The team shall be expecting me there soon." Thor requested.

Heimdall nodded his head and began. "Y/n. I see you're finally going with your brother. How does it feel to return?" He asked. I shrugged in response. "Do not fret little one. I'm sure you'll enjoy your time." I smiled at him before we were sent off.

When we arrived it was nothing like I knew before. The city we were in was so much larger than when I had gone there before and many more lights and people. "Woah!" I beamed. "This certainly isn't Brooklyn!"

"Brooklyn, no of course it isn't." a man said as I turned around to see a man with sunglasses on. "This is Manhattan though, we're like Brooklyn's cooler neighbor." I smiled at him.

"I'm Tony, Tony Stark. This building used to be named after me, not that that matters." He babbled then turned towards my brother "Hey Thor who's the girl you brought?"

"This is my sister Y/n" Thor introduced me. "I thought she'd be a good asset for the team, she's highly skilled in combat. Plus she's had a large fascination with this place since she was very young."

"Mhm yeah and I see you brought the other one along too, quick question she's not adopted too is she?" Tony asked "Not gonna, y'know try to kill us all or take over the world? Gotta take some precautions when it comes to your siblings all things considered."

"No, of course not Tony!" Thor laughed. "Y/n is my full sister and is very kind."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Stark. I've heard Thor talk of your genius work." I say shaking his hand. "I must say I was very impressed to hear that you used to have a piece of technology in your chest saving your life, on top of that your advancements with the suits I've heard are amazing."

"I like her already." Tony said before showing us inside.

Within seconds of entering the building, I could tell Loki's reputation was very well known. "The hell is he doing here?!" A woman yelled as she drew a gun.

"Calm yourself, Agent Romanoff." Loki began. "I'm only here because my sister requested it and have made a promise to harm no one, not even mind games." She tilted her head at him keeping hold of her weapon. "Alright I know I don't have a strong reputation of keeping promises but for her I always do."

She put her gun away and stepped in front of us. "So Thor's got a sister now too huh?" She stepped towards me and shook my hand. "Agent Natasha Romanoff. This your first time on earth?"

I shook her hand. "No actually I came here long ago, probably around about 70 years ago," I explained.

"Well then do I have someone you'd love to meet." She smiled softly and took my hand.

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