Chapter 2

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𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕃𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣
"You've got to do better than that if you're gonna defeat me brother" I smile as I throw a punch towards him. I go to throw another one when he vanishes and I stumble to my knees.

"Really sister," Loki chuckles as he now stands behind me, a smirk is plastered onto his face "you must stop doubting my abilities."

I grow a branch from a nearby tree and sweep it under his feet knocking him down, drawing my knife to his chin. "And you must stop doubting mine" I smirked.

"Great work Y/n!" Thor shouted from the side as he watched our duel. "You've done much better with your training, especially with those nature manipulation abilities."

"I'd hope so after many years of training." I joked as I returned my knife to its sheath along my waistband and allowed my brother to stand. "Now I must go speak to father. Urgently" I smiled as I began to walk back towards the palace.

"He won't allow it. You've asked him many times and the answer remains the same each and every time." Thor explained to me.

"It matters not brother. I am adamant to get him to keep his word, no matter how many times I must ask." I grin as my walk turns into a sprint towards the palace.

I sprint through the palace passing many guards along my way. Most of the guards were quick to move out of my way, me running through the palace had likely become normal for them. Suddenly I bump into someone and stumble. "So sorry mother." I say to my mother Frigga as I turn back to face her.

"What's the rush my dear?"she asks me calmly as she gently brushes my hair out of my face.

"I'm off to speak with father. I have an important question for him." I explain quickly.

"Is this about Midgard again?" Mother asks. I nod my head quickly in response. "Well, good luck darling. Be safe in Midgard and tell me all your stories when you return." I smile at her and begin running again.

Finally I reach my father at his throne as he's speaking with some guards. I stop myself at the bottom of the stairs leading to him. He looks down at me and smiles, I smiled back at him as I got to one knee and bowed to him. "Leave us, please." He tells the guards. The guards empty out of the room leaving just me and my father. I rise to my feet. "What brings you here my sweet Y/n?"

"Well father, you might remember many years ago, when I was just a child, I wished to visit Midgard. You may also remember that you told me I may go there after I train myself for my own safety." I spoke very quickly "I know I've already asked many times but father I have been training for years now. I'm highly skilled in combat and can certainly protect myself if necessary. I've become a master with my knives and have begun to use my power to mend nature more, even to the point of using it in combat."

"Calm yourself my chil-" he began speaking before I interrupted him.

"Please father may I go to Midgard? I promise I can protect myself!" I interrupted him. "I know you've said no many times but I'm ready father I can prove it."

"As I told you long ago Y/n. It isn't wise to defend before even facing punishment." He explained. I sulked slightly. "My dear. I agree with you. You've proven yourself strong enough to visit Midgard. But darling please do be careful. I recommend you bring your knives every time and not to go without your brothers by your side."

My eyes lit up with joy. I ran to my father to hug him "Thank you father! Thank you so much!" I then ran to gather some things and inform my brothers of the news.

"Heimdall, I'm sure you've heard of the news." I spoke as I approached Heimdall with my brothers by my side.

"I most certainly did Miss Y/n. Off to Midgard for the three of you then?" Heimdall asked.

"Yes, thank you Heimdall" my brother Thor said.

With that one quick moment I had been waiting for Heimdall sent us to Midgard. We arrived out in a field with some trees nearby. Off in the distance we could see a city. This was so exciting to experience. "We should avoid the city, we don't want to risk any trouble with the mortals." Thor explained.

"Brother the whole point of this adventure together was to explore." I added. "I believe the best way to explore would be to go and interact with the Midgardians."

"I understand that Y/n however we should avoid the conflict," Thor explained further. "I know you wish to meet them and perhaps you will but for a while, we shall keep our distance." I huffed at him. "Come now sister, even if we wanted to right now it wouldn't be wise, we would stand out very quickly."

Loki and I reluctantly agreed, though we wanted to meet these people we knew we couldn't risk causing them trouble. We sent off to explore the area and see the creatures of the land. I made sure to note everything in a journal I carried with me. I had originally planned to write about the people and what they're like here, but for now, a few pages of plants and animals couldn't hurt.

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