Chapter 20

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I ran my way back to my room, after watching my brothers depart, to see Bucky standing at the foot of my bed.

"It won't bite you know? You can lay in it." I joked as I walked in and closed my door. "I've just got to change if you don't mind."

Bucky sat at the foot of my bed as I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a tank top that Nat had given me. I turned back towards Bucky, after getting my pajamas on, and saw him covering his eyes with both hands. I walked up to him and moved his hands down. "You know Buck, we're kinda in a pretty serious relationship. You don't have to cover your eyes when I change." I laughed

"Oh, I'm sorry I just wasn't sure if you were comfortable with that yet." He smiled and paused for a bit before his smile faded. "Y/n are you sure you're ok with us sleeping together?"

"Of course! Besides if anything does happen Steve's room is right next door, he said if we need anything we can just ask." I explained as I tucked myself into bed. I pat the spot next to me and he finally came up and sat by me. I gave him a goodnight kiss. "Goodnight Bucky."

"Goodnight my love." He smiled and laid down.

I woke up in a flash to find Bucky rolling around and mumbling in his sleep. He seemed to be having a nightmare so I decided to try to wake him up gently, I'll stay up with him if I need to.

I shook his shoulder. "Hey, Bucky." No response. So I continued. "Bucky..... Wake up, hun....... Bucky, it's just a dream wake up......." I continued trying for a little bit before Bucky's eyes shot open. I thought he had woken up "Bucky are you alright?" I asked calmly. "You were having a nightmare, do you wanna talk about it?"

Bucky jumped up and straddled himself on top of me, his hands were holding me down by my wrists squeezing them tightly. I could see in his eyes he wasn't quite awake, he was staring blankly, not truly looking at me almost like he was looking through me. He looked as if he was angry at something.

"Bucky it's just me everything's ok" my hand squirmed under his as his grip got tighter. "Buck you're ok is just a nightmare." In a split second his metal arm moved from my wrist to my throat. I gasped for air "Bucky..... please." I begged. I tried to gasp for air and get his attention, hopefully even snap him out of this, but nothing was working. My free hand was pushing on him trying to push him off of me or move his arm but he was too strong.

Finally, I pulled my hand up and reached in between his hand and my neck to grasp some air "Steve, help!" I called out gasping deeply while I could. Bucky fixed the position of his arm, pushing my hand out of his way, and he tightened his grip.

Within seconds Steve ran through the door still in his pajamas. He saw Bucky on top of me and quickly tackled him to the ground holding him down. "BUCKY WAKE UP! WAKE UP! IT'S JUST A DREAM!" He shouted. I saw on Bucky's face that he had finally woken up. He looked over at me as I still gasped for breath. I could see the concern on his face as he took in all of his surroundings.

"What happened?" He asked Steve.

"You had a nightmare, but it's ok now." Steve reassured. Steve stood up and looked over to me making sure I was alright.

Bucky peeked over at me as I was still breathing deeply and rubbing my throat in pain. "Oh no." Bucky sighed. "Please don't say I did anything." He pleaded.

Steve looked over his shoulder before turning towards Bucky, reluctant to tell him. "Well..... listen Buck it wasn't your fault ok, and everything's alright now" before Steve could even finish his sentence Bucky grabbed his clothes from yesterday and stormed out of the room.

Steve sighed and looked back at me. "You okay?" I nodded slowly. "You take some deep breaths I'll go wake up Banner to check on you." I felt bad waking up Bruce this early as it was only 4 in the morning but Steve was already out the door and I barely had the breath to speak.

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