Chapter One- Kathryn's POV

Start from the beginning

Taking a deep breath, I go outside. My breath catches in my throat. My blood moves sluggishly at the sight of him.

His shirt is off and I can see hard muscles covering his entire torso. His dark hair glints in the light as he pulls on another shirt, that brings out the green in his eyes. I feel slightly disappointed to see all that hotness covered by a t-shirt.

Sauntering towards him, I place both my hands on the sofa and lean forward, hoping I look intimidating, and ignore the fast beats of my heart.

His eyebrow lifts up questioningly.

"Tell. Me. Everything."

With a grimace, he sits on a chair and pats the sofa next to him. Grudgingly, I sit down, crossing one leg over the other, looking at him expectantly.

"I am not associated with the murder."

Murder. This is so huge. I wish I could erase the last fifteen minutes of my life. I should run, I want to, but my body doesn't want to listen to me. I'm just frozen.

"Right. You just happened to be there. Were you following me?"

Brandon groans and buries his head in his hands. For a second, I want to rub his back but I hold in the urge.

"Go ahead." I order, only feeling slightly guilty about bossing him about.

"Do you want to go get a drink?" He asks, amused. "We shouldn't talk here. I just came to grab my phone."

I should probably say no, but then again, it's better to be in a public place rather than his house. At least if he tries anything I can shout for help. If he is actually even remotely associated with that body, I will be safer with people around me. I think.

I nod quietly and leave the hall, open the door and shiver in the breeze.

He touches my shoulder, electrifying me and my brain goes into some sort of fuzz. Like some white haze. I shake my head like a dog, trying to clear it.

Wrinkling my nose, I open my mouth to ask him. "What am- what am I doing here?" I was in the park and then...something happened?

The.. the body. There was a body wasn't there? Brandon was right next to me. How did I get here?

He cocks his head to the side, holding my hand. "Don't be silly. I told you that I owe you an apology for my behavior at the dance hall. I'm taking you out for a drink. I broke up with Savannah."

"You did?" I raise my eyebrows, feeling very confused. We had something very important to talk about, but I can't remember what it was for the life of me. His touch just makes me forget about everything else. Literally. Should I be worried?

 Brandon smirks and tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear, his fingers lingering near my temple. "Having trouble remembering? Don't worry, my looks make people forget everything except me."

I blink twice. "Right. Of course."

Extending his arm for me, I take it with a tight smile. Something inside me is screaming to run and stay away from him, but I ignore it. What is wrong with me? He's been nice and now we're going out. That kiss he shared with that girl did shake me, but he said he broke up with her, so I'll take his word. Innocent until proven guilty, right?

His skin is cold as ice but not in a clammy kind of way. The feel of his touch sends sparks shooting up my nerve cells. I have to regulate my breathing so that my obvious reaction to him becomes- well, less obvious. I rack my brain to remember one very important piece of information, but I get frustrated with every try. 

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