Chapter 5

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Y/n's PoV

The Captains started to show up. Luckily Asta Escape that creepy man's rage or he will be completely crushed. And we got to know that he's a captain! Asta, this man's cheerfulness is killing me!

Finally, the nine captains shows up, people like to talk about that captain Vangeance is the closest of being a magic emperor and the other captains. They are a captain after all. Who would assign them on that position if they're not strong enough?

"Sorry for the wait, I will handle this exam." Captain Vangeance said, his Grimoire flipped through a page.


The book began to shine creating a tree roots with brooms in it then handed it to us.

"This will be your first test, there will be an eight test, with this broom you can control flying on it, if you can't then there's no need for you to be here."

'As expected.'

I Started flying with a broom easily and started flying towards that cool headed handsome freak guy. But a girl stand on my way making me stop and just fly in another direction.
Rule Number 1: don't get into trouble or even start a fight during the exam. If I get in to trouble here I'm sure they wouldn't accept me.

I saw Asta struggling to fly. His day couldn't be better.

I passed all the test so easily but I'm  worried about Asta. As of now, he can't do anything in this whole test but the final round is just about to start.
"This is the last test of this exam. We need to see your combat, defense and offense to see if you really can become a magic knight." Captain Vangeance said.

"you have to find your partner to make this test. You and your picked partner are going to fight. Now, let us start." Captain Vangeance ordered.

Asta And Yuno already found their partners and easily defeated them. I was looking left and right to see who's going to be my opponent, until I saw a blonde haired girl. She crossed her arms and smirked sarcastically.

"Fight me to see who's the strongest."

"Okay then" we make an eye contact and finally we step inside the stage.

"Luna? You willing to help me?" I whispered to the fairy. "You can do this by yourself, it's just an entrance exam don't take it so seriously."

how am I suppose to not take it seriously especially if all of the captains are watching us?

"What if I can unlock new spells during this?"

"You're on your own."

"Weirdo." I rolled my eyes and focus about the stategies I will do. "You tiny little sh-"

"LANGUAGE!" I shouted at her
"I am thousand years older than any human to exist in this world so I can say whatever I want." She rolled her eyes to me, and I didn't complain much, my goal is to think of any way to beat this girl.


She landed an attack on me quickly as the battle started.

"Water Magic: Water dragon!"

I dodged her Attacks so Easily going far as I can to chant the spell.

"My turn."


our surrounding became black.

"Where am I?"

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