Nemoto x Vector///truth

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Nemoto was a man who couldn't find it in himself to truly trust anyone. As his quirk allowed him to determine if one was being honest with him, he was well aware of how often and easily people lied. He wanted nothing to do with liars, but he was loyal to his boss who was the most sincere person he knew.

Then, he met Vector at the bank.

Nemoto was sitting across from the man in the orange jumpsuit in the bank's waiting area, watching him interact with the bald, large-nosed man next to him, when Vector turned and noticed Nemoto staring, a slight blush rising to Nemoto's cheeks at being caught.

Nemoto quickly looked away, but not before Vector sauntered over to him with a smirk. "I couldn't help but notice you staring," he said.

"Oh," Nemoto replied. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable-"

"Not at all! Feel free to get a good look," Vector assured him, winking.

Nemoto blushed even more, not used to such insistent flirting, especially when he didn't sense any untruth from the person flirting. Vector may have been putting on a show, but he wasn't faking his interest in Nemoto.

And Nemoto was certainly interested, too.

When it was clear that Nemoto was not going to respond, Vector scribbled down his number on a slip of paper and handed it to him. "Call me sometime, when you've recovered from my blinding beauty."

Vector was called back to meet with the banker, leaving Nemoto alone.

Vector was tragically overconfident, but what's worse is that he and Nemoto both knew there would be no resisting his advances.

Nemoto called Vector up that night and they met up the next day for a magical date.

"...And that's how I met your father."

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