Student! Once-ler x teacher! Lorax//chemistry

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(ToastyBaconBits  hehe, I think my living privileges have been officially revoked now)

Once-Ler POV

It's my first day at Thneedville High School, and I'm STOKED! I'm a junior, and I just moved here from Nowhere, the next town over. I'm so nervous to be the new kid though; I hope I make some friends! My brothers Bret and Chet are being obnoxious and calling me a "stupid loser twink" again.

I'm not stupid! Or a loser! Or a- well, maybe they got one thing right...I walk through the hallway in my clout glasses and green power suit, hoping it will imbue me with the powers of Shaggy, the man I worship as a Shaggy Supremacist. (My brothers make fun of my unorthodox religious practices, too, calling me a gay witch. Can't be offended when it's true! ✌️🤷‍♂️)

I enter my home room class, adjusting my clout glasses before walking in the door. I sit in the back to avoid attention, but then I notice our teacher. He's short, and orange with a yellow mustache and bushy eyebrows. He's wearing a yellow striped power suit like All Might. It's actually kind of hot, but no, Once-Ler, you cannot be attracted to your teacher! Isn't that shit illegal?

Then he looks right at me and I can't stop the blush that rises to my face.

"Who might you be?~" he asks, his voice sending delicious chills down my spine. 

"I'm the Once-ler!" I squeak. "I-I'm new here!"

"What a delight! I'm the Lorax, I speak for the trees! I'll be your homeroom teacher as well as your chemistry teacher."

Funny, since I'm feeling so much chemistry right now-

The bell rings, signaling the beginning of class. Mr Lorax begins teaching us about atoms and protons and some other science stuff, but I don't take in any of it. All I'm thinking about is how good this soft man looks in All Might's suit...

When class ends, Lorax asks me to stay after.

"Once-ler, was it?"

"Y-yes, sir."

"This may sound forward, but I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime? I know it's kind of illegal and everything  but I'm a chemistry teacher! I can't ignore the clear chemistry between us!"

"You felt it too?" I ask.

He nods vigorously.

"I think a date would be nice.." I tell him.

He smiles, his fluffy mustache twitching. "I'm glad to hear that, Once-ler."

Before I could stop myself, I was leaning in to kiss him, his lips soft against mine. 

Now this is chemistry.

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