Toga x Mavis from Hotel Transylvania//blood baby

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Recommended by ToastyBaconBits , thanks babe <3

Mavis was a vampire. Toga drank blood of people she was attracted to. 

Was there ever a better match?

They met at Bloodsuckers Anonymous, a support group for vampires and those with vampiric tendencies.

Mavis hadn't met Johnathan yet and was feeling kinda down because her dad didn't let her get out of the hotel much. At first he didn't want her going to the support group but she whined until she got her way.

And now she was facing the most beautiful girl she'd ever seen, and thanking her lucky stars she'd convinced her dad to let her come here.

The girl in question was blonde, with her hair in cute little buns, and was talking very passionately about drinking blood. This was to be expected at a gathering like this, of course, but Mavis was a bit alarmed by the dreamy look in the girl's eyes as she talked about stabbing people.

Even as a vampire, Mavis took no joy from violence.

She didn't like drinking blood, but she had to in order to survive.

Even though she found herself disturbed by the girl's dark nature, Mavis still found herself pulled in. She couldn't resist the urge to find out more.

"Uh, hey?" She interjected, as the girl was talking about how much she wanted to stab someone called Deku.

"Hi!! Oh wow, you're so pretty, I just wanna stab you! But you're probably a vampire, so I can't exactly drink your blood, can I?" The blonde pouted before saying, "That's too bad. I'm Himiko Toga, by the way."

Mavis held out her hand for Toga to shake. "I'm Mavis. My dad owns Hotel Transylvania."

"Ooh, your dad owns a hotel? Cool!"

"Yeah, you should totally visit sometime!" Mavis told her. "I'll get you the family and friends discount.." she leaned in to whisper: "that means I'll get you in for free."

Toga grinned. "Sounds great! Could my friends stay too?"

And that's how the League of Villain started living at Hotel Transylvania and conducting all of their nefarious business there. Although Toga couldn't really drink Mavis's blood (I don't know, it's some kind of rule for some reason. I don't make 'em) ((actually I do, haha)), she still liked to flirt with her a lot. Mavis didn't really know how to be in a relationship yet and mainly waited for Toga to make the first move, which she eventually did.

They were hanging out on Mavis's balcony when Toga said, "You know Mavis, why don't we try dating? I like you, and I think you like me, right?"

"Oh. Yeah! Dating, that would be great, actually! I've kind of liked you for a while, I was just too afraid to ask you out!"

Toga smiled. "Aw, you were scared of me, Mavis? That's so cute!" She hugged Mavis, surprising the vampire. "Why'd you think I was so excited to stay in your hotel? I mean, sure I needed a place to stay but I was more excited about the cute vampire girl!"

Mavis blushed. She never dreamed someone would really think she was cute.

"But I still wish I could drink your blood, baby."

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