"Okay Alexa, What's your Mom's number I can call her for you" Alexa looks at her confused, she has no idea how to even approach an answer to that.

"Or your dad I just remembered you mentioning your mom yesterday they'll be so worried about you, it's really late for you to be out on your own" Lizzie says pulling out her phone. All Alexa can think is 'fuck'. She takes a deep breath.

"Well actually I sort of half lied to you yesterday my mom died when I was little and I never knew my dad." She saw a brief look of pity on Elizabeth's face but it soon changed to concern. "So who are you living with? Can we call them?"

"My foster parents... they don't give a shit about where I just keep myself busy whilst they work and if they're still at work now they'll be seriously angry if I disrupt them to say I got myself lost" Alexa looks down at her feet as the rain pours down.

"Oh sweetie I'm sorry, well come on let's get out of this rain and I'll arrange to get you dropped off back home okay" Lizzie stands up pulling Alexa up with her. "Are you sure I don't want to be a pain" Alexa questions.

Lizzie laughs and then sighs "I'm not going to leave you lost in the rain am I? Come on" She reaches out her hand as they both run towards Lizzie's apartment.

The rain gets heavier as they reach the front door both of them soaked through. Lizzie opens the door and Alexa follows her inside where they're met by Colin, Chris and Scarlett who all look very confused.

"This is Alexa, she got a bit lost and her phone died I'm just gonna get her some dry clothes before I help her get back home" Lizzie leads Alexa down the hall to her room.

"Your friends think you're crazy you know that right." Alexa laughs as Lizzie passes her a pair of leggings and a hoodie. "I know they always do!" she laughs back grabbing some dry clothes for herself.

"You can get dried off and changed in here then just meet me back in the kitchen yeah?" Lizzie says in a questioned toned making sure everything was ok with the teenager.

Lizzie goes back into the kitchen after throwing on some dry clothes. "Won't the kids parents be worrying where she is?" Chris asks, everyone still kind of shocked that Lizzie had brought a random teen back to her house.

"She has foster parents, and from what she said they literally only care about work and her staying out the way" She says in disgust, Chris immediately drops his head realising this is just being a good person as Lizzie always is. "Poor kid" Scarlett mumbles.

"I'm just gonna drive her back home and make sure she's safe" Lizzie says as she picks up her car keys,  glad she decided not to drink tonight. Alexa comes back in and Lizzie's face lights up. "You ready, I'll take you home"

"Yes thankyou" Alexa replies following Lizzie back out the door, the rain has calmed down into a gentle trickle. They get in Lizzie's car and she puts the heaters on. "It'll warm up soon"

"Thanks" Alexa says shyly not really too sure what to talk to Elizabeth about. "So your hair must be naturally curly then huh?" Lizzie says looking at Alexa, that's when Alexa realises it's gone crazy from the rain.

"Yeah I hate it, I always straighten it but when it gets wet it goes very curly, I get it from my mom I think" Lizzie looks over a bit confused "You think?" she asks knowing she might be over stepping slightly.

"Yeah I only have one picture of her and her hair is kind of curly" Lizzie nods at her response and shortly they pull up at Alexa's apartment building. Alexa goes to get out the car but pauses. "Oh wait your clothes how will I return them to you?"

"Well you know where I live drop them by whenever you want" Lizzie responds with a smile on her face. "Are you sure? Honestly no one is ever this nice to me it's a bit strange" Lizzie immediately feels a pit in her stomach something about this girl is kicking in an almost maternal protective instinct.

"Actually Alexa, here put your number in my phone I'll text you so you have mine. If you're ever in trouble, or need to get away from your foster parents or need a good book recommendation you text me okay!" Alexa nods and puts her number in, hesitating slightly at the unusual warmth that's being given to her.

"Are you sure I don't want to be a burden on yet another person" She looks up at Lizzie who just frowns and takes Alexa's hand. "Hey you're not a burden understood" She was serious and it made Alexa smile.

"Yes ma'am!" she replies and they both laugh. Lizzie pulls her into a hug before letting her leave. "Remember you can text or call me anytime!" Alexa nods before walking up the steps to the apartment building. Lizzie watches to make sure she gets inside before driving away.

Word count: 1647

Awwww Lizzie is so sweet!! It's already getting so good I thoroughly enjoy writing this story.

Genuine question- do you snore?
I've been told I have a baby snore I don't know how to feel about that!!!

Any way have a good day/night be good, be kind, be positive, drink some water I love you all

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