Chapter 1135

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Meanwhile, back with the Halsteads:
Jay's POV: As I stood in our home gym while Erin took a nap, I smiled as I had the baby book audiobook playing on my gym stereo. I was currently at the part that explained everything about doctor's appointments and stuff. Setting my weights down, I decided to go to the audiobook and skip a chapter. That's when I heard Erin come downstairs and look at me. "What are you doing skipping a chapter? I already told you that I wanted you to read it all." I turned to look at her and sighed. "Do I really need to listen to the chapter on shots and stuff?" 

Erin the shrugged. "I guess not. What chapter is that anyways?" I then went to check. "Chapter 5 out of 15." I then went to shut off the audiobook and looked at her. "How was your nap?" Erin sighed and walked over to me. "Helped me put stuff in perspective. Sorry for yelling at you about the book. It's not like it is going to really prepare us. Babies can't be that predictable." I nodded and agreed when I felt her walk up to me. Wrapping my arm around her, I smiled as I leaned down to kiss her softly. "I love you."

Erin smiled when I said that and nodded. "Love you too. By the way, how much are you lifting anyways? You seem to have gone down a weight." I nodded. "I am doing triceps instead of biceps today. Triceps is with barbells, biceps is with dumbbells." Erin the nodded and agreed. "Just so you know, I do not want you working out at all during my recovery. You are to stay either upstairs with me or in the living room. You can't hear me down here." I nodded and understood. "Erin, we always have our phones that you can call me on."

Erin sighed and nodded. "What if I'm napping. You won't be able to hear Olivia down here?" I then smirked. "Baby monitor." Erin groaned. "You have an answer to everything don't you?" I sighed and walked over to her. Wrapping my arms around her, I moved to look into her eyes and smiled. "Erin, you are stressing out again and you need to relax. We have everything under control, I promise." Erin then sighed and nodded, understanding that it was true that she was just worrying a bit too much right now. 

That's when I felt Erin lay her head down on my shoulder as I held her close in my arms. Wrapping my arms around her waist as we rocked side to side, I smiled because she was currently kissing my neck even though I was quite sweaty. "Doesn't me being sweaty bother you?" Erin then leaned back and shook her head. "It's hot." I smiled when she said that. "You talk to Hank already?" Erin nodded and agreed. "He's doing better. However, he needs us to pick up some of his groceries. Olive left town because he wasn't letting her do anything. Now, he is alone again." I sighed when she said that and nodded.

"So, he wants us to get them for him instead?" I nodded and sighed. "I hoped it wouldn't be a problem but, if it is...I understand and I will call him to tell him that we can't do it." I then shook my head. "No, it's fine. We can go get them. Anyways, you probably want to go see him don't you?" Erin nodded and smiled at me. "I was going to ask but I was scared considering I already knew that you would say no considering the health pandemic and stuff." I then shook my head. "Erin, of course we can go see Hank. You're worried about him. Better to go relieve your worries than to have you hold them in."

Erin smiled when I said that and nodded. "Listen, how about you go upstairs and take a shower? Then, we can go pick his groceries up at Target. He already made an online order and has paid for them through the online ordering service." I agreed and nodded. "Sure, just go relax on the couch upstairs okay? You seem a bit stressed." Erin sighed. "Still worried about him." I understood. "We all are Erin. Sure, the unit may not like working for him but, we all want to see him recover and come back from this. However, I want him to recover because I know how worried you are about him meeting Olivia."

Erin smiled when I said that and nodded. "Just go shower okay? You need to relax since we are going to see Hank. I will go relax upstairs. I am already dressed and ready to go. Now, you go do the same." I nodded and agreed as I went to give Erin a quick kiss. "Love you and give me 10 minutes before we can eat." Erin then looked at me. "Want me to heat up the leftovers?" I agreed and liked that idea. "Sounds perfect. Now, let's help you upstairs."

Erin nodded and agreed as I went to grab my towel and water bottle. Once I had them, I walked over to the stairs with Erin and helped her up to make sure she didn't fall down. After spending 2 minutes coming upstairs, I smiled as I closed the door. "Now, you go make us some lunch." Erin nodded and agreed, turning to kiss me softly before walking away to the kitchen. "By the way, love the tight dress. It really hugs your baby bump."

Erin then smirked as she turned to look at me. "The faster we get going, grab the groceries and go hang out with Hank...the faster we get back. Maybe then you can help me with taking this off?" I smirked when she said that. "Oh, I totally am helping you take off that dress when we are home." I then turned around and ran upstairs to the bedroom so that I could take a shower.

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