Chapter 1096

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Meanwhile, back at the Firehouse
Matt's POV: As I sat in the common room, I smiled as I used my iPhone for a bit. I have an app on there that connects to Matteo's baby monitor and saw that it was on. I then looked at my baby boy fast asleep in bed wearing his firetruck PJs that I bought him recently. That's when I saw Gabby walk over and look over my shoulder. "He asleep right now?" I nodded and smiled as I went to show her. "Fast asleep in bed." That's when we saw Hermann walk up to us.

"They have a baby monitor that you can watch from here at the firehouse?" I then turned to look up at him and nodded. "It's why we got this one. Gives us piece of mind that we can check on him from anywhere." Gabby then went to sit next to me and grabbed my phone out of my hand to check on him. "God, I think he's grown again. I can see it when he's laying down because of the distance between his head and the edges of the current mattress he's using in the crib."

I nodded and agreed while grabbing her hand. That's when I noticed that Gabby got some food. "Gabby you should eat. You are just having lunch now and it's 2 pm." Gabby then nodded and gave me my phone back. I went to put it in my pocket while Gabby ate. That's when we heard Chief come out and I smiled at him. "I just wanted to speak to you all since we are all here. I want to thank you all once again for your impeccable and dedicated service to the City of Chicago."

I smiled when he said that and just listened. "We all know that this year was hard. And I wanted to say this on behalf of the Commissioner. You guys have given up so much time with your families in order to help the citizens of Chicago get through this. However, we are nowhere near done this. So, we are going to have to keep the work up. But one thing I think I can say on behalf of everybody, we are so glad that we have Dawson back on our team. We've missed you Gabby."

Gabby then blushed as chief said that and smiled. "I've missed being here too. I feels so great to be home. And not just here with my friends and co-workers but home with the man I love." I smiled when she said that and then turned to kiss her softly while grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers. However, Severide didn't enjoy that. "Oh we get it Matt, you are in love. So stop showing it." I then turned to look at him. "Says the guy with his fiancé's legs on his lap."

Stella then went to run her fingers through Severide's hair and smiled. "Yes, at least they are sitting next to one another in public." Severide then nodded and smiled as he held her close. "By the way, I am still waiting on that answer for you transferring to squad. You might want to choose before Matt decides to take the offer." Stella then sighed and looked at him. "Kelly, we can't. At least, not until Boden promises to give me the same deal as Gabby."

Chief then looked at Stella a bit confused. "What are you talking about Stella?" Gabby went to answer. "You helped me get permission to work here with Matt even though we were engaged. Or were we married at the time babe?" I looked at her and smiled. "We were still engaged at the time. You came back here before you started fostering Louie." Gabby nodded and agreed before getting up and moving to sit in my lap. I chuckled and smiled when she did that.

Everybody then stared at us. "What? Can't a wife be comfortable while just sitting here with her friends?" They all nodded and agreed. Gabby then went to run her fingers through my hair while I put my hand on her leg. "So yes, about the permission. need to do the same for Stella. However, it might help if you stay on truck instead of Squad. That way you aren't working with Severide as your supervisor." I smiled when she said that. "You should've just went squad."

Gabby shook her head when I said that. "I wanted to be a firefighter, not a member of squad." I nodded and agreed as I stroke her knee. That's when we all saw Diego come in with some delivery. "Did someone order something from Molly's here?" Cruz then got up and smiled. "Finally, I wanted that sandwich. Can't have it with Chloe because she can't stand the taste." Diego chuckled and nodded. "Here you go Joe." Joe then grabbed it and went to sit down.

Diego was then about to leave when he finished but Gabby wasn't having any of it. "Diego Dawson, don't you dare leave without coming to say Happy New Year to your aunt." She then got off my lap and chuckled as she walked over to Diego. Diego then turned around and looked at her. "Aunt Gabby, you are going to embarrass me in front of your co-workers." Gabby then went to hug him and smiled before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Suck it up, I'm paying you."

Diego then wiped the kiss off his cheek and chuckled. I then walked up to him and moved to shake his hand. "How's stuff at Molly's?" He smiled when I asked. "Chloe is doing great behind the bar. She just hates that she can't drink. Meanwhile, the Hermanns are hard at work making the food. Meanwhile, we just got the Uber Eats and Skip the Dishes programs working so they can order on there." Cruz loved the sound of that. "Finally, it's been down for a bit!"

Diego nodded and agreed. "Now listen, I need to go back. We are really busy tonight." Joe then turned to look at Severide and smiled. "Hey Severide, mind if we take a ride to Molly's? I wouldn't mind checking on Chloe. Now that I Know why she hasn't been texting me back, I'd like to make sure she is taking breaks." Severide nodded when he asked and smiled. "Hey, how about we all go and we can grab some food to bring to the food kitchen?"

Gabby loved that idea and turned to look at Chief. "Chief, can we?" Chief nodded and agreed. "Just keep your radios on and no drinking while you're there!" We all agreed and nodded. Gabby then got up and grabbed my hand. "Let's go Diego. You wait until we leave since we have bigger vehicles." Diego nodded and smiled. "Let's get to Molly's so we can deliver food to the food kitchen." We all nodded and agreed as we prepared to go to Molly's and get food.

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