Chapter 1081

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Gabby's POV: Once I made my way out to the kitchen, I smiled when I saw Antonio sitting at the table with Matt and Matteo. "You going to stop by later for supper right?" Antonio looked up at me and smiled. "Of course. I know you can't fathom the idea of not seeing this little guy at least once more before the end of the year." That's when I saw Matt unpacking some breakfast Antonio brought us. "Thanks for bringing us breakfast by the way. What's up with you?" Antonio then looked at me. "I am not doing anything, can't a brother just give you breakfast?"

I then glared at him. However Antonio sighed. "I want to tell you this ahead of time. Me and Sylvie can't watch Matteo on Valentine's Day this year. I am going to surprise her with a trip. We need to get out of town and just rest when I am done this busy month. I have this bad feeling that January is going to be a busy month for Intelligence. And I am already doing a lot more than normal since I am co-Interim Head. So, I need to take her away for Valentine's Day. And I know that's Matt's birthday but..."

Matt then laughed. "Antonio, relax. My mom is coming into town that weekend. We don't need you to watch Matteo on Valentine's Day." Antonio then looked at us and smiled. "You couldn't have said that when I first started?" Matt then smirked as he walked over with breakfast before sitting down in front of Antonio. "Hey, this is the last time I am seeing you this year. Need to have a bit of fun with my brother-in-law. Anyways, you need to relax sometimes. You're so on edge right now." Antonio sighed and nodded. 

"We just picked a wedding date." I was shocked when he said that. "Woah. When are you guys doing it? And is it before or after she's giving birth?" Antonio smiled when I asked. "We are getting married June 26th. So, please book that day off ahead of time." I nodded and agreed. "The entire firehouse is going to have to take it off considering you are inviting them all right?" Antonio sighed again. "We are keeping it small. So, the guys, Jay and Erin, Hank and Gianna Mackey." I agreed and nodded.

"That depends on COVID right? If it gets better?" Antonio shook his head. "Nope, we are setting it up this way ahead of time. We are just doing a ceremony. No party after since the twins are only going to be 2 1/2 months old. So, we are not inviting anybody else." I agreed and understood. "I promise to work on Matteo's walking. I want him to be able to walk for you guys." Antonio smiled at that idea. "What do you say Matteo? You want to walk down the aisle as our ring bearer?"

I nodded and smiled at the idea. That's when Matt turned to look at me. "You know, even if he can't walk down the aisle at their wedding, he could always do it at ours." I smiled when he said that because we talked about that last night. Antonio then looked at us both. "Okay, when are you guys getting married for a third time?" Matt then smiled when he asked. "We are going to have a real wedding on our first wedding anniversary. Well, 2 days after on September 4th." 

Antonio smiled when Matt said that. "I am so happy to hear that. I know I said that you didn't have to but, I am so happy to hear that." I smiled when I had breakfast and then moved to sit next to Matt. "I thought it'd be nice for us to have the real wedding since this time, we are making it work and we are going to last. So, I want to have the real wedding pictures and stuff." Matt then looked at Antonio and smiled. "This time though, you're walking her down the aisle."

Antonio was confused. "Oh, I am not going to be your best man this time again?" Matt sighed and shook his head. "I need to make it up to Severide since I am going to be the best man in his wedding." That's when I realized something. "Matt, what if they want to get married that weekend?" Matt shook his head. "He already promised me that they aren't going to get married around our anniversary. That way, we can be each other's babysitters in the future."

I smiled and liked that idea. "Perfect. Now listen, we need to eat so that we can get to work. We can tell everybody at the firehouse that they have to clear that date on their calendar. If they know ahead of time then we'll have everybody there. Oh, make sure you tell your sister." Matt then nodded and agreed. "Actually, I was hoping that Violet could be in your wedding party. I was going to ask Diego to be one of my groomsmen." 

I thought about it and nodded. "I would love to have Violet in the party. However, I am not having your sister in it. Sorry but, that is too much to ask." Matt then went to grab my hand nodded. "I never expected you to have her in your wedding party. I still don't like what she said just 4 months ago. It was disgusting. I have forgiven her for it but, I haven't forgotten about it." I nodded and agreed. That's when Antonio looked confused.

"Just curious, how exactly did you find it to forgive your sister for calling Gabby illegal?" Matt then looked at him. "Antonio, she had COVID and could've died of it. I'm sorry if that resets our relationship. Even though I was mad at her, I would still never want her to die from this disease. I hope you understand that I forgave her for what she said because it's done. Let's not talk about it anymore." Antonio agreed and nodded. "Listen, you guys need to eat. So eat!"

We both nodded and agreed when he said that and started to eat so we could leave for work.

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