Chapter 1088

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Meanwhile at the District:
Jay's POV: As I sat at my desk while working on a case, I saw my phone vibrate with an e-mail and a text. I decided to check the e-mail first since it had more information. Reading the e-mail, I smiled when I realized it was something more personal. I then decided to get up and make my way to Erin's office so that I could show her (and check whether she is having a snack since it's that time of the day). Knocking on the door, I smiled when she was eating.

Erin then turned to look at me and sighed. "I am having a snack, don't worry." I nodded and agreed. "Good but, that is not what I am here to tell you. I want you to mark something on our calendar. We have a wedding invite for this September." Erin smiled. "Let me guess, Ruzek and Burgess?" I shook my head. "Matt and Gabby's vow renewal." I then forwarded her the invitation that Matt send me through e-mail. Erin opened the e-mail and smiled.

"Oh, it's going to be on labour day weekend. Wait, don't you and your brother normally go to the cabin that weekend?" I shook my head. "Not this year. He's going to have a month old baby." Erin nodded and smiled. "That sounds perfect. Wonder why they picked that day." I then went to sit down and smiled before going to answer when someone interrupted me. "They are doing a vow renewal that day because it's the weekend of their first anniversary."

I then turned to look at Antonio and smiled. "Where have you been working? Thought we were alone here." Antonio smiled when I asked. "I've been working downstairs. Sylvie needed quiet time at the house to sleep but, now she's up. I am going to head back home if that's okay?" Erin nodded and smiled. "Of course Antonio. We still doing the video call tonight?" Antonio sighed. "No, because I have Matteo tonight." Erin was shocked. "Then why are you here?"

Antonio smiled. "Eva is watching him for a bit. I've only been here for an hour. I am going to see my sister later and will talk to them for a bit. Now, if you need me...I'll be at home." I nodded and agreed. "Okay, happy new year to you both." Antonio smiled and nodded before walking away to go back home. I then looked at Jay and smiled when I realized we were alone. "You think we should just go work from home today? I mean, we are alone here." Jay nodded and smiled.

"Honestly, the only reason I am here is because you were insistent on coming in today. So, how about we head home and we can have a little break in bed before we get back to work on some of the non-stressful cases?" I nodded and agreed, loving the idea. "I love the idea. Go pack your stuff up and I will get ready to go." Jay nodded and agreed, walking out to grab his jacket. Meanwhile, I went to log out of the computer and grabbed my things.

Once I was done, I made my way out to Jay to see him grabbing his jacket and holstering his gun. "Make sure you lock that up tonight. I found it on the counter this morning!" Jay then turned around to look at me and sighed. "Sorry." I then walked over to him and moved to put my hands on his chest while standing close to him. "It's okay, just remember okay?" Jay nodded and smiled as he wrapped his arms around me. "Let's head home okay? I want to relax in bed."

I nodded and agreed before smiling at him as I went to grab his hand. Intertwining our fingers as we prepared to walk out of the district hand-in-hand, I smiled when we made our way downstairs. That's when we walked up to Platt and smiled. "You have a good night Platt. We've decided to do some work from home." Platt then smiled at us and nodded when she went to stop her timer. "Dang, you stayed longer than I expected." I then looked at her. "You timed how long we were here?"

Platt nodded and sighed. "I bet with Hank that you guys would stay 4 hours. He said 2 1/2 hours." Erin smiled. "How long?" Platt sighed. "2:25:59" Erin chuckled and smiled. "Well, he is my father Platt. Maybe next time underestimate him. That's how I do it." Platt nodded and smiled. "You guys have a safe and happy New Year's eve. We don't want anything bad happening to the future head of intelligence." Erin then looked at her and smiled. "Awh, you care about me."

Platt chuckled. "I am talking about that baby in there. We both know that you are next regardless and you will be fine. You're indestructible just like Hank. However, that baby right now is safe as long as it stays in you." Erin nodded and smiled. "Yes. Now listen, let's get going. Oh and would you like me to call Hank?" Platt then shook her head. "I have to call him and transfer him $100." I nodded and agreed. "Don't worry. It's just going to go right to this little girl."

Platt then nodded and smiled. "Now, I don't feel that guilty about loosing the bet because had I won, it probably wouldn't have gone to you." Erin nodded and smiled. "See you next year Platt." Me and Erin then walked out of the district to head home.

Platt's POV: Once Jay and Erin left the district, I decided to call Hank and tell him that he won. Waiting for him to answer, I sighed when I heard his raspy voice. "You calling to concede defeat? How long did they stay?" I then sighed. "2:25:59. I was 4 minutes, 1 second short!" Hank laughed when I said that. "What did I tell you Trudy? I know my daughter and son-in-law. Let me guess, they are going to work from home instead of at the district."

I sighed. "How do you know them so well?" Hank chuckled. "Trudy, she's my daughter! Now listen, I am not supposed to do work calls. If my doctor sees that I am talking to the district, I might get in shit. So, call me with your personal cell next time you want to talk." I agreed and understood. "You get better okay Hank? You need to get better before Erin goes on maternity leave. I don't want Ruzek in charge of Intelligence."

Hank then got scared at the thought. "I don't either. But, don't in line is Antonio." I was glad when he said that. However, was I wasn't happy about is the fact that Ruzek overheard my conversation with Hank. "Hank, I have to go Ruzek is here with Burgess." Hank then chuckled. "Good luck!" I then went to hang up and looked at the couple.

Ruzek then looked at me and smirked. "What's wrong with the thought of me being in charge of intelligence?"

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