Chapter 1093

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Antonio's POV: As I helped with Chicago's ride program for New Year's Eve 2021...I saw Ambulance 95 drive up. I was about to wave them through since I knew they weren't drinking on shift when they stopped. "Can I help you?" Ambo 95 then put their mic out. "Just calling to make sure you're safe Antonio." I then realized it was Gabby and smiled. "Can you press it?" He nodded and smiled. "I'm fine Gabby. Why aren't you around here? I haven't seen you yet."

Gabby chuckled. "We got detoured to house 87 temporarily. Traffic." I agreed and chuckled. "Stay safe tonight okay? Oh, and I just talked to Sylvie. Matteo is fine and she just put him down for a nap." Matt liked the sound of that. "Perfect. Listen, you get back to work and be safe okay?" He agreed. "You too." Ambo 95 then left when I heard Atwater walk up to me and sit down. "Who were you talking to on the radio Antonio?" I turned to look at him and smiled.

"It was my sister. That was Ambo 95, quickly talked on radio." Atwater agreed and nodded. "God, I need to find myself a girlfriend." I smiled and agreed. "Preferably before my wedding. I don't want you to go solo. Either that or you can be in my wedding party." Atwater liked the sound of that. "You're going to need one of your CPD friends in it. Jay is going to be with Erin because she's pregnant and so is Adam." I agreed and nodded. "Who's your best man?"

I laughed and knew that question was coming. "Not anybody from the district. Remember my brother-in-law Matt Casey?" He nodded. "Of course, he had it out for Voight for the longest time." I nodded. "I am glad they've called a truce. It made it so awkward for me. I mean, Voight's my boss but I had to be on Matt's side. Family first. Plus, my sister would've freaked if I didn't take Matt's side when it came to going up against Voight. And let me say, she can box."

Atwater chuckled. "Oh, is poor Antonio scared of his sister?" That's when we both saw Ambo 61 pull up. "Yes, he is scared of his sister." I turned to look at Matt when he said that. "I am just going to roll through okay? Turns out you're on the way." I nodded and agreed. "Yes, because we both know you aren't drinking on shift." We both nodded and agreed. "Talk later." I nodded at my family and smiled at Atwater. "By the way, you missing Burgess?" Atwater shook his head.

"Nope, I am glad she's with Adam. Honestly, she was a little annoying." I nodded and agreed. "Oh, I totally agree. They are made for each other." I smiled when he said that and nodded. "Hey, have you heard from Jay? I promised that we could get those relievers over there to take over if we got an intelligence case." Atwater shook his head. "We're all good Antonio. However, someone is going to be in trouble considering he's supposed to be on bed rest."

That's when we both saw Voight. He pulled up to us and groaned. "Shit, this is your stop isn't it?" I nodded and bent down to look at his car. "You will be getting a call from Erin in a few minutes. You are on bedrest and I am sure you would not want to be sent back to the hospital would you Voight?" Voight then groaned. "You really think Jay would do that to me?" I just nodded. "He may not but, his brother may. Isn't Olive supposed to be keeping you home?"

Hank sighed and nodded. "Fine, I'm going back home." He then pulled away. "Did you even check his blood alcohol level?" I turned to look at him and shook my head. "He's not drinking. He knows if he drove while drinking, he would be in jail and he would get Erin's wrath." Atwater then laughed. "He's still going to get it when you tell her." I nodded and then went to grab my phone to send Erin a text. "Call Hank in 10 mins. I just caught him out while at ride program."

Atwater chuckled when he saw me send the text. "You are so going to get it from Voight when he is done on the phone with Erin." I nodded. "Well, I can just ignore it. I have an Apple Watch and will know whether it's him. I will ignore Voight because I am on shift, he's on leave." Atwater nodded and agreed before turning around. We then both got back to work on the ride program to make sure that nobody was drinking or with too many people in their car. We have the authority tonight to give citations out if we suspect people are partying.

That's when I saw a packed car with a lot of people. The music was blaring so I got my citation book out. I wrote out the ticket and saw him pull up. "Evening officer." I then went to rip out the citation and noted how many people. "You are in violation of Chicago's Stay-at-Home order. You are to head home immediately and isolate. Also, you have a fine to pay." He then groaned and looked at the ticket. He was about to throw it when Atwater walked over to me.

He was a lot bigger than me and easily scared the driver to keep it. "Keep moving and pay the ticket when you get a chance." The driver nodded and bit his lip, seemingly scared of what Atwater would do if he didn't. I then turned to look at him and smiled. "You ever think of being a bouncer in your spare time?" Atwater chuckled and nodded. "I could probably do a great job. You would do good too. You're a boxer after all." I sighed. "Already tried that and had a bad experience. Remember that affair I had with the wealthy guy's rich wife?"

Atwater nodded and remembered. "Oh yeah. Well, you can always find other ways to find extra sources of income. You're going to need it." I nodded and agreed. "Am I ever. I already have 2 kids. Then I am also having twins in April." Atwater nodded and smiled. "All I can say is good luck my brother, good luck." I nodded and agreed. "Thanks, I'm going to need it." We both then went back to work on our sides of the street to continue with the ride program.

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