Chapter 1131

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Jay's POV: After walking out to the kitchen, I decided to get some yogurt and blueberries out. Erin liked this as a snack. Mix in a little bit of cereal mix and it's a health, protein filled snack that can fill you up pretty good. It also just so happened to be a snack that was easy on Erin's stomach. That was important when it came to the pregnancy right now because Erin could easily have problems with her stomach when she ate something she didn't like. However, it also meant that I had to be quite creative in the kitchen recently in order to make sure she ate.

Once I had it all out, I started to feel my watch vibrate and saw it was Will. I then sighed but went to answer it since I was out here. I smiled as I went to talk to my younger brother. "What's up Will?" Will laughed. "Just taking the day to relax. Nat's out with Maggie trying to find some stuff for the baby before she gets too big." I then got nervous. "And you willingly let her go when it's COVID? And aren't the stores closed? It's New Year's Day after all."

Will chuckled. "They are making her registry at Maggie's place. She wanted some help with something. And you know Nat, she can't say no to helping her best friend." I understood and smiled. "One of the things we both like about her. By the way, who's watching Owen?" Will laughed. "Nobody." I was confused when he said that. "Okay, she's where is he?" Will then went to point out the obvious. "Jay, he's my son now. It's not babysitting when it's your own kid." I then realized that and nodded. "How's the COVID wing. Heard you had shift there?"

Will sighed. "I haven't had it yet but, I am scheduled to go to McCormick Place so that I can help out. They want some of the doctors there to take a rest. About that, I was hoping you could be there for Natalie if something happened. I obviously can't considering I am going to be isolating at hotel to protect that baby." I then understood what he meant. "I'll try but, obviously...Erin is going to come before I do anything for Natalie. As much as I want to help you, I am much more scared of Hank's wrath than I am of your wrath."

Will chuckled again and agreed. "Of course you are. He's your boss." I smiled when he said that. "Not just that but, he's also Erin's father in a way. Just hate the fact that he found out about the baby before I did." Will was shocked when I said that. "Hold on, your boss found out about the baby before you did?" I sighed. "Complicated. Erin's mom got into trouble with the law and Erin had to take a deal which involved leaving Chicago forever to keep her mom out of jail and stop her form getting in trouble. But, she had to get a new deal to come back."

Will agreed. "That's scary shit man. Tell Erin I am so sorry she had to go through that. However, we can all agree I hope that we are glad that she is through the worst of that and now, she is safe at home and getting ready to welcome your first child into the world in a few moments." I agreed and smiled. "You get your shift schedule yet for that day? Or have you booked it off to be with me?" Will then gave me answer I was really happy to hear. "I am going to be there with you. However, I have to be on call. If they really need me, I have to leave."

I understood. "Let me guess, you have to take a shift in order to be at the hospital on the day that she gives birth?" Will sighed. "Since Natalie is there too, I am going to be there. We are partners at work when it comes to dealing with patients because we live in the same household. So, it's more like us having our own bubble. But, we are being safe...I promise." I was glad to hear that. "Good, because I am not going to be happy if I have to go to my little brother's funeral before I go to his wedding. You guys going to do a vow renewal so we can all get together?"

Will agreed. "Yeah, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. What would you think about a joint-vow renewal? I mean, we have to invite some of our family so...why invite them twice? And we are going to be each other's best men makes sense right?" I thought about it and nodded. "We would have to speak to Erin and Natalie of course but, I just need to remind you about who will be at your wedding. Hank is coming to our wedding so...are you really okay with having the man who ruined your first wedding at your vow renewal?"

Will sighed when I said that. "No, so the option to have a joint-vow renewal is off the table. Speaking of which, did you hear about Abby McSweeney?" I was shocked when he brought that name up. She was my ex-wife. "No, I don't keep in touch with her. She's my ex-wife remember?" Will then sighed. "Late ex-wife. Apparently, she was at McCormick Place last month and died." I then sighed when he said that. "Oh god, that's crazy." Will sighed. "You sad at all?"

I sighed. "Is it wrong that I am not sad that my ex-wife died? We were never really married. It was a Vegas marriage. Actually, funny enough...I am not the only guy who did the stupid Vegas wedding you know anymore. You know Kelly Severide?" Will agreed. "Yeah, Matt's best friend." I laughed. "Apparently, he went to Vegas and married this girl he met there after Gabby's best friend died. So, he's also divorced and getting married this year. So are Matt and Gabby again."

Will remembered that. "You get an invite to their vow renewal?" I smiled. "Yeah, what about you and Natalie?" Will sighed. "We did but, we can't go." I was confused when he said that. "You already know that you're working that day?" Will then laughed. "Yes, we are working. It's called being parents to 2 kids. Jay, Nat is giving birth at the beginning of August. I am just glad that Owen is scheduled to go back to school by then. I am tired of this home schooling."

I sighed and understood. "Who's doing that anyways since you guys are working?" Will then explained. "Helen remember? She's living with us." I laughed. "How's that going? Having your wife's ex-mother-in-law/her late husband's mom living with you?" Will smiled. "It's nice. Means we can relax more during the pregnancy when we get back from shift instead of having to take care of Owen. However, we always say goodnight. She's actually out with Natalie now though."

That's when I heard Natalie yelling. "Will, can you come help with the groceries!" Will then sighed. "I have to go." I agreed. "Talk later." I then went to hang up before going back to making me and Erin some snacks. I then left to go bring them upstairs to Erin in bed.

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