Chapter 1114

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Matt's POV: Once we made our way to the van with Severide, I smiled when I went to grab some of our stuff to put it in the back. Putting the stroller in first, I smiled when I turned to look at Severide. "You are a life saver. I literally do not have the energy to walk all the way back to the firehouse and grab more stuff." Severide chuckled and nodded as he turned to look at Stella. "I am just glad the two of us could carry everything because she's exhausted too." I nodded and agreed. "Believe me, we all are. But, I think me and Gabby win it hands down."

Severide stared at me. "Nice try paramedic." I laughed when he said that. "Dude, I had double the calls last night. Remember, I go out for both fires and EMT calls now. Not the same as when I was a firefighter." Severide nodded and agreed. "I get it and remember that now. Shay used to always be much more tired than me when we lived together and got home." I nodded and agreed. "You know, I keep asking Gabby this but...I should really ask you this too. How are you?"

Severide was a bit confused. "When it comes to Shay?" I nodded. "I mean sure, it would've been awkward considering Shay was your girlfriend in so many words...but, she probably would've loved to have met Stella." Severide nodded and agreed before sighing. "I am torn about really talking to her about it. I mean, I have spoken to her about it in the past but...she didn't know Shay and I don't want her to think she's still ever keep me from giving her my full attention."

I sighed and looked at him. "Okay, I am going to give you advice from a guy who is literally married to her best friend in the whole wide world...and who still live with the guilt that she could've saved Shay's life had she just not swapped places with her." Severide gulped and understood, nodding. "If you ignore will cause you to create space in between you and Stella. And coming from a guy who lost his girl to that exact reason, it's not a good idea."

Severide nodded and agreed. "Still can't believe you chose your life here in Chicago over going to Puerto Rico with her." I sighed and nodded. "We are past that. We are living in the present. However, I have been getting some e-mails recently from the CFD's Charity wing. They are talking about possibly doing vaccine work down in Puerto Rico. I know it's a long shot but, I wouldn't mind going to help vaccinate people. Just have to talk to Gabby about it."

That's when I saw Gabby come out. "I saw those e-mails too. I've been reluctant to bring up my desire to do that. But, if you want to do it as well...we need to talk considering we are talking about something that broke us up previously." I then turned to look at Gabby and then sighed. "Listen Severide, we should get going? Matteo is probably tired and we need to talk about this." Severide nodded and agreed. "Of course. See you guys in 72 hours." Severide smiled and shook my hand. "Stay safe."

I agreed and smiled when he said that. "You guys too." I then turned to look at Gabby and smiled. "Let's get in the car and we can head home." Gabby then nodded as she got in the car. Following her, I got in the driver's seat and turned it on. I then smiled as I turned to look at Gabby and grabbed her hand. "We will not break up over anything ever again. We are going to put the work in. And that means everywhere.'s really crowded here."

Gabby then knew what I meant. "So, you are doing it both because you want to and because you think it's a good move health wise?" I nodded and smiled at her. "Listen, let's just get home and I promise...we will talk about this there." Gabby then nodded and smiled as she let my hand go so that I could drive us home.

One Chicago: Welcoming 2021Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora