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It's been two days since the bomb on the bridge and everyone was on high alert for any grounders. We also still have no way to contact the ark which was really important right now in my opinion, I hate to say it but we need them more then ever.

"Hey flower." I hear a voice say pulling me from my thoughts.

"Flower?" I ask turning around seeing Bellamy looking at me with his arms crossed smiling at me, making my stomach feel like it was swarming with butterfly's.

"Most of the time I see you, your usually holding a flower or giving them to someone." He says rubbing the back of his neck walking closer to me so our body's were so close together, making my heart go crazy.

"Are you spying on me Blake?" I question raising an eyebrow and making his face go red from embarrassment. "I'm kidding."

"Vina come on." Octavia says coming to my side looking at her brother and best friend. "Sorry Bell but have work to do."

But before either of us could say anything Octavia was pulling us to the smoke house and I turn around giving Bellamy a sorry look and he returns it with a smile and a small wave walking off glancing back ever so often until I was out of sight.

I was hanging up some of the meat with Octavia and Murphy when the annoying kid started talking again always trying to make it seem like he was cool, but really he was an ass.

"Let's get this party smoking." He says making me roll my eyes and share a look with my best friend.

"You don't want the fire to big. So maybe try to knock it down with some wet leaves." Octavia says glancing over her shoulder seeing he was putting more wood into the fire.

"Get that from your grounder boyfriend, grounder pounder?" The boy asks and we both turn around to face him.

"You better watch your mouth." I see that through my teeth disguised by him.

"She's right, a hot fire is not gonna persevere the meat as well." Murphy says coming to Octavia defense which made me happy only wishing Clarke or Bell was here to witness the change he was going through.

"You can't take the heat get out of the smokehouse." The boy says and let out a groan of annoyance.

"Maybe you should get out for being a nuisance." I say causing Octavia to laugh but the boy to glare hard at me. The guy left after making a comment to Murphy while Octavia and I went back to work.

"Your brother couldn't get you two a better job?" Murphy asks us.

"Oh, probably." Octavia says reaching up to a high hook to hang up a piece of a rabbit.

"That just means someone else would have to do it." I added on while keeping an eye on the fire.

I decided to stop looking at the fire since it didn't seem to be getting to big and go back to focusing on the food until the flames bursted high causing a little scream of shock to leave my lips.

"Octavia let's go." I say grabbing her arm and pushing her in front of me and Murphy coming around wrapping his arm around my waist when I stopped to let out a fit of coughs.

"Come on a V." He says helping me out where a crowd of people were, Bellamy let go his sister rigging to my side and taking Murphy's place helping me over to Octavia.

"Are you okay?" He asks grabbing my face with his hands and looking me over for any burns.

"I'm fine." I reassure him grabbing his hands and taking them off my face. "I'm alright Bell."

"This is all your fault." We hear a voice yell and looking over was Murphy who punched him in the face and a wave of satisfaction went through my body, but it caused Bellamy to leave my side to pull Murphy off of the kid.

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