Chapter 20 - Un-bad morning

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The team woke up the next day to a continuous loop of radio static switching through different 1920s channels with swing seeping through from time to time. Suddenly, it stopped at a channel:

"Leave your room now in presentable fashion and head down the hall to be led to breakfast!" This message was ended by a loud crash of pottery in the background.

In seconds they filed out, looking at each other in confusion and slight annoyance from the alarm. A small white rabbit hopped towards them with a pocket watch and a vest over its fur. "Hello! Sorry, we mustn't be late!"

"The white rabbit?"

"Yes, yes, hello, let's go!" He tugged Wanda and Sam down the hall as everyone scurried to keep up.


"Time is haste with light at waste! The tea will fill the pot in time none hath got!" The March hare slammed a teacup against the wall by the entrance to the dining room.

"I'll give it a 6/10," Anna hums, upside down on a chair.

"Ya wanna fight, lil' lass?!" The hare slammed a butter biscuit on the table and raised a spoon.

"Try Me, bunny boy!" Anna giggles jumping off and onto the table while throwing a chair his way. A round of applause chattered the room as a flock of Dodo birds held up 10/10 signs.

"Is this normal?" Bruce asks the Rabbit who nods.

"Oh!" Anna hurries to the group with a bright smile on their face. "Happy un-bad morning!"

"Don't you mean 'good morning'?" Pietro asks in confusion.

"That's what I said," They tilt their head before pulling out chairs for the team.

"So, where is Y/n?"

"Still asleep, or perhaps on the way," Loki assumes, turning to the door when it opened to reveal you ducking out the way when the March Hare threw a tea pot at you.

"Morning, Mr Hare,"

"Morning, little princess," he says lovingly before slamming a pan of bacon down when Chase poked his twitching ears. "I'll make ya eat yer own tail, fur ball!"

Chase grins and stands on the table before walking down the long oak to hold his hand out. You take it with a yawn, avoiding a large purple cake and over filled cups of tea, as he leads you to your chair per-usual.

"What's for breakfast?"

"Depends what you want," Anna tosses a slice of toast from their plate as everyone sat in the odd chairs around the table.

"Fillery pudding!"

"Pillery pudding!" Tweedledee and Tweedledum burst through the doors, fighting against each other.

"Both," Chase scares the twins from behind making their spin-top hats switch places.



"Shouldn't you two be annoying the Ladybugs?" Chase leaps in the air, smugly circling them.

"Shouldn't you be licking your fur?" Tweedledum tries to smack him with his hat.

"Filthy fur," Tweedledee notes making Loki snicker slightly.

"I don't have fur, you idiots," his grin was left behind as he appeared under your figure so you sat on his lap, smirking at Loki who scowled. "So, Pillfillery pudding?" he asks, pushing back your your hair as you stared at the small ants forming a pyramid.

"Y/n," The King suddenly bursts through the door making Chase leap and hang onto the ceiling with his black painted nails—you standing up before he could throw you off. The March hare's ears were tugged in different directions by the twins as Anna puffed out of sight, ending up on the chandelier, trying to balance their cup of tea.

"Father," you curtsy for him as he eyes the suddenly less chaotic breakfast table, an illusion placed over as a safety mechanism for this type of situation.

Anna peered down, lifting a finger to their lips as the twins stood in the corner with heads bowed, the march hare being held by the collar by Chase who had restrained him in the air.

"I have a list of tasks," he lets the scroll fly through the air and land in your hands. "I'm sure you can complete those by the end of the day?" Parchment unraveled to reveal a long list of a week's worth of work.

"Yes, father, of course," you stammer then curtsy again as he grins smugly, turning to the princes.

"I hope you enjoyed your night, Prince Thor, Prince Loki,"

"Yes, your highness, very much so," Loki sent a silencing spell to Thor before the oaf could burst out in anger. The group's eyes lingered at the fading white train held up by small pigs on their hind legs.

"I hate him," Nat scowls.

"The queen is much nicer," Anna hangs upside down before floating down next to her like a feather.

"I have to go," grabbing a small pink heart-shaped fruit, you walk out the room as Bruce turns to Anna who was helping Pietro cut into a bubbling blue polka dot fruit.


"Yes, Mark?"

"Wrong universe," Chase coughs making them look up quickly. "You really need to stop trying to be funny," he looks to the author. "And make me undeniably irresistible~" Chase purrs.

"They are funny, therefore I am too," Anna throws a butter knife at Chase who catches it without looking. "There's something about people catching weapons without looking that makes me," they curl up and scream into their palms.

"You want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid," Chase lifts her chin as she laughs uncontrollably.

"I want to kill you off so bad it makes you look stupid,"

"Understandable, have a nice day," Chase salutes, looking up where he narrows his Cheshire gaze, "you're mean,"

"Damn right I am," Anna stacks some pink pancakes, syrup drizzling down, to serve Thor.


"Send this to the duchess, I want her reply urgently," you thank the stork as it flies away. "The Library?"

"Sorted, we have Pax the poodle on sorting duty for normal books and his twin brother Rax on archives,"

"Switch the duties around, and send their older sister Lax over to help," with that, the duck scurried off making you turn to the others who were reporting on what you had ordered. Your bored eyes took off their rambles to see Loki watching you from across the hall. "Excuse me,"


"Your royal highness," Loki bows and holds his arms out. "You look exhausted," his hand rested on yours which clung on for comfort. "You're doing a very good job, though,"

"Thanks, Loki," your head lent on his arm as you sighed out, peering around the hall, you tug him closer. "Come with me?"

He tilts his head at your question. "Of course,"


I post another chapter because I'm patiently waiting for hollylaufeyson to get online and comment

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I post another chapter because I'm patiently waiting for hollylaufeyson to get online and comment

Ily 👁👁💕

- Anna ❤️

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