Chapter 18 - Throne

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"I locked her up, she was insane, she accused me of such horrid things!" He took his staff and hit the ground as the dukes and duchesses were suddenly stood to approach and kiss your hand regardless.

"Like what??" You ignored the pestering court. "Mother has reason, she is logical in every sense!"

"It doesn't matter, your cousin Silas will take the throne so do not worry yourself," your father raised his hand up to dismiss you.

Your blood was on fire, every inch of you itching to burst out, but one look to the ground you were calm again. At least calm until Silas opened his mouth, "go run along and play dolls, cousin,"

"That's it!" You summon your weapon as your father raised his staff up.

"Put it down!"

"Why? Because I should stand here and accept that- that imbecile will take the throne??" Two dusters appear but you glare their way, the objects suddenly turned to dust when you use your magic to break the spell.

"He is worthy of the duties," Your aunt scolds, holding her son's eyes shut.

"Because I'm a Heart?? Not a full Spade?! He looks like me for Wonder's sake!" All eyes looked to the King who gave a stoic face which spoke volume. "Oh, it all makes sense now! All those years locked away in the shadows, ignored and hated, why you favored everyone but me!" Water glossed your eyes rapidly.

"Watch your tongue-"

"You never loved mother-" Your ax dragged along the carpet, rotting the ground until it was dropped from your shaking grasp. "No matter how much you claimed to love me," Your lips trembled. "You couldn't have a Heart sitting on the throne of Wonderland!" Tears escaped your eyes in waves as you rushed a few steps below him.

"You were never set as the next heir-"

"IT IS MY BIRTHRIGHT!" You stepped up only for him to slap you across the face. The team looked to intervene but Anna and Chase had to hold them back before the card guards were to cause them harm.

"Your birthright... was to join two worlds and save me trouble of wondering if war would break out! You are as meaningless now as a fly among butterflies, as useless as paper in water,"

Your mouth fell open, face slowly turning back with a stinging mark soothed by the coolness of your hand. "Do I mean so little?"

"Be glad you mean anything at all, for the truth would not have graced your mind... and be glad you're not rotting down there with your whore of a mother... You are her daughter, but not mine," the King took his staff to your neck and pushed you down the stairs.

Carpet burned against your palms, dress splayed out on the ground. Getting up with a trembling breath, you took your ax in hand for support. Nothing came to mind, no response worth a try. It was meaningless... as meaningless as you.

"You are to be of the court, nothing more, you speak for the dark-lands in place of your mother, but your title will never succeed beyond what it is now... princess? Hardly. Ruler? Never... failure? Always," he hums mockingly.

The court watched as you held a breath, turned from the throne then looking back and curtsying for the King. "Thank you... your highness," cracks could be heard in your voice, the last noise being your heels tapping rapidly away.


"Enjoy your stay," Freddy hopped away from the team who were still a little shaken up from the events earlier.

"Where is she?" Loki looked to Anna who was whispering to the wall.

"Asking now," she chimes, a small face appearing from the brick.

"Bedroom," the deep voice says.

"Good boy," Anna tossed a sandwich in its mouth and turned back. "Bedroom,"

"Where... is that?" He looks around.

"How much do you want to see her?" Anna holds up a paintbrush to the god who furrows his brows.

"I need to know she's okay," he admits, watching Anna move away form the wall.

"Then go ahead." Loki walked forward and placed the brush on the wall, the painted tip taking control and creating a door from the fading paint. "Good luck,"


Loki looked down the hall from left to right to see nothing but door-less confines. A tongue clicked mockingly which he looked to; Chase lent against the wall by a large door.

"She's in there,"

"Thank you," Loki says in distaste, trying to walk in only for the cat-like man to hold him back. "What?"

"Give it a moment," he whistles for a moment before grinning. "Go ahead,"

"Why did I have to wait?" Loki asks in suspicion.

"Just give her a few more moments to put her clothes on," Chase winks, buttoning up the rest of his shirt. "Good luck,"

Loki felt his blood boil a little, watching the blue clad man venture down the hall. He turned the door knob and opened it after waiting for your answer, Chase gave the god one last smug look, loving the chaos and confusion he caused.

"It's part of the plan, sweetheart," Chase turns to the reader, stepping through a tapestry to end up beside Pietro who screamed bloody murder. "Gotta get him riled up for a good love confession,"

"Makes for the best romance," Anna notes, looking to the reader as well, "isn't that right?"

"Woah... wait are you breaking the fourth wall??" Peter suddenly realizes.

"Of course not," Anna scoffs. "I ate that thing long ago,"

"Crunchy," Chase notes as well.

"I'm just too sexy to follow common rules," Anna winks.

"Damn right~"

"Is that a penny?" Anna bends down letting Chase fail to lean on her and instead hit the ground. "Cool, it has a fish on it," she jumps back up in excitement.

"Thanks, Anna,"

"I'm not sure what for, but I assume it's because I'm blessing you with my presence," she tosses it into a flower vase before looking at the reader. "I'm tempted to bring Strange for more Stranna like in Just a dream but I don't know how to fit him in,"

"What the fuck..." Peter whispers.

"Like, I'm powerful enough but how would he fit into this all?" She starts to tap a few bricks. "Would he be able to help? Would he just be here from time to time?"

Clint looks from Anna to the group. "She's insane,"

"It's hard to switch from being Bucky's bitch to Stephen's slut, honestly," Anna opens a small hole in the wall which turns into a slide leading away.

"I want to unhear things," Vision looks to Wanda. "Is that possible?"

"I think we should just all get settled," Steve sighs out once his brain caught up with what was happening.

"I'll be taking a cat nap, so don't make too much noise," Chase disappeared with his grin left for a moment before fading away.



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- Anna ❤️

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