Chapter 11 - Hiccups

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"Oh, it's freezing!" A hiccup leaves your lips, club doors closing behind with the rest of the group in tow.

"Maybe bring a jacket," Clint slurs his words, stumbling past.

"He has a point," Loki says, putting his suit jacket over your shoulders.

"Don't side with the pigeon," you scowl, hiccuping again with your finger stretched out to Clint's now fallen body, a pigeon nesting on his head. "Aren't you cold?"

"I don't get cold," Loki laughs breathlessly. "Don't tell me you've forgotten?"

"How could I?" Your head lent on his shoulder, both stood waiting for Happy to pick everyone up. "Could I see?"

"See my Jotun form? In public?"

"Are you not comfortable?" Tapping a finger to your lip to form the words, you look up to him.

"Concerned about reactions, more so," he inspected the empty streets then the rowdy group.

"If they say anything bad it's off with their heads!" You declare, heel hitting the ground but your body wobbling a little.

"You're incredibly intoxicated," he states before letting his hand curl blue.

"Oh, wow," you gasp at the colour and bring it up inches away from your eyes. "Look how gorgeous that is..." peeping up, his eyes were a deep scarlet, face the same as his hands. "You're magnificent!"

Loki felt your hands grab his face and bring it down closer to you, his eyes kept on your scanning ones. Each line on his skin was traced along with your thumb repeatedly, your breath tickling on his lips as silence passed over—minus Peter begging for Steve to help get Tony down from the lamp post.

"You think so?" Loki looked for even the slightest insincerity in your eyes to find nothing. "You do, don't you?" he had to rewind, replay, and repeat the realization.

"Of course I do!" you poke his nose, squishing his cheeks together with a scrunched up face, placing a small kiss on his ice cold forehead. "If you're not confident in this form I'll have to remind you until you are," this stern tone turned into a fit of hiccups, bubbles suddenly leaving your lips to drift in the night air.


"I think I will stick to Wonderland giggle-juice," you state to the group as they lounged around in pain. "It's less painful the morning after,"

"Still pain, so I'm swearing off all alcohol!" Clint raises his fist before dropping it on Nat who punched him square in the nose after jolting awake.

"That won't last long," Pietro zooms by with a bag of greasy food Peter and he had ordered for everyone.

"You are a savior, kid," Tony sighs out, digging in the moment his food landed in his lap.

"Want some?" Peter offered making you shake your head.

"I'm sure Loki has a spell I can use, if not I'll knick one from Wong quickly... but, I'm sure he'd appreciate some of whatever this is," lightly taking the bag, you venture down the hall to his room, knocking twice rhythmically.

"Come in," his groan was heard through the barrier, your head peaking into the dark room to see him sitting upright from his sprawled position.

"Morning, grumpy," you smile bashfully. "Brought you something," the bag was held up and he hurried to take it.

"Perfect," he turned around, fiddling in the bag as your eyes widened at his shirtless back. Through the dark, it was hard to see but the hall light and streaming flickers from beyond the curtained windows didn't make it hidden.

"I was also looking to see if you had any spells?"

"For hangovers? If I did, I wouldn't be in pain," his hand ran through his messed up locks, body flexing in frustration during the quick stretch.

"Mhm," you hum out, walking to his shelf, a pounding pressure in your chest rather than head. "I'll just check,"

"Be my guest," Loki hits the mattress again with a sigh. "I hope you enjoyed last night, because it will never happen again,"

"Why not?"

"Because Miss Potts will arrive soon, scold Stark and forbid him partying beyond the tower with anyone outside a select list of guests,"

"How do you-" there was a sudden shouting down in the lounge room making you narrow your gaze at Loki. "Are you a witch?"

"Don't you start," he warns, taking a bit of the breakfast sandwich before meeting your side. "Anything?"

"So far? None," you shut the last book. "Your grimoires are useless,"

"Rude," he takes a novel from the top shelf before raising the food to your lips. "You need to eat," he smiles when you comply and take a small bite, both eyes light up which Loki saw. "Don't you dare-" before he could remove the meal from your grasp you were running to the door with it in hand. "Y/n!"

"No!" You slam your fist on the door when a green wisp shut it, holding it closed. "Let's talk about this," you raise your shoulders and hands, begging for mercy with merely your eyes.

"I think talking is useless with a brat like you, Y/n," he muses.

Pouting at his words, you yelp when he stalks closer. Your body rounded the room, leaping onto the bed and away as he followed, grabbing your leg so you both hit the ground—his arm tucking you away from impact.

He grabbed both your wrists to pin them down, trying to lift one away only to feel you trying to escape, his grin grew with mischief, his body moving up so he took his stolen meal with his mouth.

You could smell the lingering alcohol from last night, hints of parchment in the air around. His neck was close to your lips, your mind thinking thought more so saved for anytime after 10 AM. Eventually he moved to see your face, one hand feeling your lack of force against his grip allowing him to take a proper bite.

"Y/n??" Thor bursts down the door with Mjolnir, scared for both you and his brother's safety. "Oh! Excuse me," he coughs, closing the door.

You and Loki snap your head back to each other, dashing to the door and down the hall to Thor who was spilling the 'tea' as Peter put it.

"Thor, that wasn't-"

"We weren't-"

"We haven't-"

"We would never-"

"God no,"

"Not with her,"

"He's the last person-"

"Guys!" Thor laughs. "I get it, trust me, it's fine, I know you weren't doing 'adult things'," he pats both your shoulders before ushering you two away. His smug smirk soon turned to the group who were exchanging rewards from bets.



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- Anna ❤️

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