Chapter 3: A Foot Too Big

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Y'all I'm so sorry for being inactive. Work has been fun and I come home very tired. Nonetheless, I edit the book a little every day. Also, I got my hamster! Reveal at the end of the next chapter.

"(Y/n).." you're shaken from your sleep by Kaneko. "Did you hear that?" the girl was on edge and pacing the barn with her tail tucked in between her legs.

"Hmm?" you yawned looking at the moonlight seeping in through the cracks of the barn. 'It's still night.' "No? I didn't...."

She trembled and stook closer to you on the hay bed. "I'm scared. Monsters are out there."

You pull your arms over her protectively. "It's alright. I'm right here, nothing will happen, I'll protect you." She nuzzles closer, fluffy white hair tickling your nose and she murmurs a thank you before going back to bed. 'And yet she sleeps with a monster.'

'Yes but isn't that good? No other enemy will approach her as we are the most fearsome.'

'I guess there are some perks to being a demon.'

You fall asleep after sensing the surroundings for intruders but find none.

Busy at work in the barn the next morning Donatello came in and was preparing a little gift to present to April; a hand-made music box, with his picture serving as the mirror for the top. While you stayed behind in the barn, Kaneko had left to train outside somewhere or she was in the woods following her wolf instincts again.

"There." he opens it to play its soft musical notes. "Too much?"

"Do you really want my opinion?" Mikey questions next to him.

"Only if you think it's perfect."

"It's perfect!" he exclaims.

"What do you think (y/n)?" Donnie asks as you were laying on the hay on the upper part of the barn, swirling a piece of it in your mouth.

"Donnie." You slowly turn your head to look down and meet eyes with him. "Good luck," you say with an encouraging smile. You get up first and they followed you to go into the house where April was.

While getting there your head was down to not see the blinding rays of sunlight, you walked tiredly from an exhausted metabolism. You'd been eating normal food to stop the hunger from rising again but it was only growing worse now, marks on your skin would appear of their own will.

You raised your foot to take the first step onto the wooden stairs, only for a wooden creak to come from it first.

Eyes meet with striking cerulean ones; Leo.

You blinked and greet the blue turtle. "Hello."

His gaze narrowed and only gave you a brief nod that made your heart stuck in your throat. You weren't fighting with Leo but he also wasn't partaking in socializing with you. As time has gone on he never came around with the past incident. Never mentioning it or even speaking to you about it.

It was reasonable why he avoided you, why he was afraid of what might happen. Yet, you assumed his newfound indifference was due to only that, but the way he just occasionally stared at you with his guard up was torture. The times you'd offer to help him or even make him a meal he was distant or he'd flatly deny it.

Donnie and Mikey shared glances between each other from the awkward air between you and Leo. You zip past him ignoring your hurt feelings, while he sits on the stairs, stretching his legs.

We find April in the living room area, cleaning up the teacups. 'This place needs a good cleaning.' Mikey and you stand back to watch from the sidelines.

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