Chapter 20: Crime Alley

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Bruce's pov.

I couldn't believe they locked her up with those unlawful, felonious, villainous, nefarious, criminals. She's innocent, and I was going to find a way to get her out of Blackgate Prison.

She wasn't going to last long.

I was stunned to see that Slade Wilson was trying to get her to a sanctuary, outside the city. It's something that I didn't expect him to do. I didn't perceive that someone else cares, as much as I do for her. But for once again in my life, I felt fear. He was someone that could take me on, the odds were about even.

We both value strategy. After his family was killed, he went back to assassinations. How did Tideus get him to not kill her? No doubt she was tough. She always had an eye for the unique types of people. How did she even get involved with Roman Sionis?

Roman was Malicious and his power was: he can be presumable. And presumably was the key to disaster. She was soon going to learn how to use her demons. Many things worried me to no tomorrow, Harvey's election, Blackmask and his manipulation. Even absolving Tideus and getting her to safety.

I stared at the flat, marble, tablet, that read: In memory of Martha and Thomas Wayne. It was 5:34 am, I was soaked to the bone. This was where I came to think. I would ask them for guidance.

Things in Gotham became a crisis. People started to leave Gotham for their safety. I do not blame them, though Gotham needs me. I can't abandon them. Every time I stared blankly into the abyss of the memorial plate, I heard my father's words. 'Please, you don't have to do this.'

Then Alfred's words played in my mind like a tape recorder. 'It's only you against Gotham, one man can't save them all, Master Bruce. Save Tideus, even if you don't wear the cowl. Not by blood, by bond.'

The street lamp buzzed over my head, and the sound of a car door shut, broke me out of my trance. Thunder rippled through the sky, why a small of scattered leaves started to dance in the wind. The wooden soles of Alfred's shoes became closer and closer, every time I stared at the ground. My eyes met Alfred's. He held an umbrella over my head and held a newspaper.

"I thought I might find you here. I know that you value your solitude. But the news of your sister was upsetting for both of us, but you should see this." Alfred spoke, handing me a newspaper that was folded between his arm and his side.

The front page read 'Mob Money behind Wayne Fortune.' My nails dug into the paper. I inhaled deeply. Why didn't Alfred tell the truth where the money came from!

"This isn't going to go away, it is out in the public." Alfred spoke in a calm way seeing frustration start to consume me.

"How could you hide this from me and Tideus, Alfred!"

"What was I supposed to do, you two were only children!" Alfred raised his voice.

I turned my back and read more of the paper. What the Journalists wrote.

"I have been dreading this to say for over two decades. Knowing that I would have had to tell you when you were at the age to understand." Alfred sighed at the end of his sentence. I tossed the paper to the side.

"I want to hear it from you, not the papers." I said in a calmer voice.

"The truth is...they were billionaires. You cannot amass earning it by good deeds, without making certain moral compromises, it wouldn't be possible. That kinda money taints almost everyone." I walked past him to the car that was parked in the alley way. I stopped for a moment and took a glance over my shoulder and turned around to meet Alfred's stare.

"My money has never corrupted me. I used it for the city-"

"And I am extremely proud of you, Bruce. Harvey is running for Mayor, you must continue to support him. Roman is fundraising for Mayor Hill-"

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