Chapter 6: Devil's bounty Hunter

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Chapter warning: Some swears, bit of violence. Play the song if you wish.

The tears slipped from my eyes. My fingers were all broken. Small bones were peaking themselves out of my skin, the skin was split. It leaked with crimson dripping down between my fingers. I cringed to look at them.

"Bastard!" I yelled in agonising pain.

"Did you get all of it?" Blackmask asked impatiently, while the man nervously nodded in response. I cradled my one hand as it twitched. My fingertips felt cold and my fingers stung.

The lights finally burned out from the ceiling, making everything and everyone in sight blind with sudden darkness. One man pulled out a lighter, and flicked it open. He guided himself through the darkness to find the breaker. I noticed the man's camera was still on. I could tell from the red blinking light. But that's not all I took note of. There was a window that was big enough for me to squeeze my thin form through.There was some crates under it, but it would take strategic effort and moves to escape. I had to use one hand during my escape. This is going to be so much more difficult. But I had to take the chance.

I wasn't going to wait, I had to try. I smashed both of my elbows into both men's gut. They yelled in pain and gave me enough loose grip, where I could slip out of easily. I made a run for the crates. I heard gunshots start to ring and miss me by inches. I ran left and right so they wouldn't be able to successfully graze me or shoot me. His men were hot on my heels, I made a turn heading towards the stacked crates. I grabbed the Batarang. I and hoist myself up with one hand. I used all effort to climb up the crates. I gasped, when a bullet went past my head. It nearly made me freeze. But I can't give up now.

I pushed the window and crawled through it, first I slipped my legs through, then the rest of my body. I was startled when I didn't land on anything yet, I was eight feet up in the air. It's either death or the jump, but I could break something or die if I do jump! I took the jump, I didn't land on my feet.

I crashed to the ground with a loud thud sound. I quickly got up and started to make a run for it. Adrenaline pumping through my legs, my life was on the line. I noticed that there was lots of cargo around, meaning I was diffidently near the sea.

I could hear shouts from every direction. I have to find help fast! Blackmask's men started coming from all directions, I was so close to being circled. I ducked when one man tried to grab me by the hood. My eyes darted to a hole in the fence. Bingo! My hand started to throb over and over, it felt like jello at this point. I sprinted with the last of my strength just to get to that fence. It was so close, 2 ft away! I am going to make it, I am going to make it. I am going to-

Not make it. I felt a tug from my snowy white hair, a small yelp escaped my throat. My head was thrown back and I landed straight on my back. The wind was knocked right out of me, I coughed repeatedly. My vision fogged and my ears rang. But I can't give up now. I used the heel of my boot and kicked one of the men where the sun doesn't shine, when he reached over to me.

A cry of agony escaped from this man's throat and he tumbled onto the ground holding his crotch. That's going to take time to heal. I flung myself off the ground and slid through the fence and kept running. I never looked back. Even when I heard the sounds of someone chasing me, I didn't look back until I heard nothing.

My legs were sore, I was soaked wet from the slushy snow. I didn't know if I should go to the Hospital or the Police. I kept my head low while I shivered slightly. I was on the streets of Gotham, more on the poor side of Gotham. I only had a thin, torn, wool sweater to shield me from the cold. I felt frost nip at my fingertips. My hand still hurts like hell, still. I honestly probably looked like a freak show or a train wreck. The wind was cold, street lamps buzzed and flickered over my head. The streets seemed abandoned. A few homeless people that looked like a family huddled over a barrel fire.

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