Chapter 1: Unforgiving proposition.

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Quick A/n: The action and understanding the story starts on chapter twenty and past, the plot is located past chapter thirty :).

13 years in the past.

(In the eyes of five year old Tideus Wayne.)

We all have our demons, our fears, and our weaknesses. We all have one, even the ones who don't. My fear was losing my family, having nothing left to defend. I watched Bruce, Rachel, and Breanne hide in the garden, towards the back of the mansion. The garden was lush and alive, it was exquisite. Towering hedges decorated the garden, along with a fountain in the middle of the garden. A small greenhouse was shaded under a white oak tree. While at the end of the garden was overgrown brush that needed to be maintained, I was always a vigilant type of kid, I enjoyed observing what they did. I Never enjoyed dressing like a lady, but I would put a smile on my face and do it for my parents.

Bruce, of course, hid the arrow head from the two. I sat on the steps to the back of the mansion watching them play. Thankfully Bruce had to look like a gentleman anywhere, but the rules were different for me.

I was grateful my parents acknowledged that I turned into a bit of a Tomboy. They allowed me only to wear jeans and t-shirts only at home. Out in public was a different story, I had to dress formally or nicely. Being who I am as a Wayne, dressing this way was another accustomed day at home.

But of course I wasn't a Wayne by blood, I was adopted. My parents never told me that, until I was about the correct age to understand. They found me in the slums of Arkham city. I was only an infant, abandoned, disowned, and neglected. I was grateful I never got the chance to grow up in an environment that lacked healthy habits. I was an introvert, I was nervous to speak to Breanne and Rachel. They seemed nice, always including me in whatever they did. Half of the time I declined if it was marco-polo. I would usually join if it was hide and seek. But last time that ended badly. I ended up on the roof of the manor. I was never afraid of heights, never afraid of falling because I was careful. Boy was I in trouble, last time I did that. I Scared the living crap out of Bruce, Rachel, Breanne, and mainly my parents. I remembered the scolding I got from my mother. The sickly worried look pasted on her face.

I was irregular to every kid I knew. I had hair as white as snow, I wasn't albino, I didn't have pink eyes. I just never liked being seen, Mom and Dad tried to fix the problem by dying my hair. It didn't work, they took me to the doctor's and they couldn't do anything about it. My parents thought this was absurd. But they loved me, even if I was different. I had amazing sight and hearing, I could hear where Bruce was located. He hid in the green house, in a stance that was prepared to run when he was found. Then I saw the two girls that were three years older than I was. Not much of an age gap. Bruce and them were all eight, I was five. Rachel had curly hair, down to her shoulders, beautiful chestnut brown hair that matched her eyes. And Breanne had long, poker straight, radiant, brown hair that almost seemed gold in the sunlight. I was always jealous of one thing. It left me thinking and questioning who I really was. Who were my real parents? But I guess that didn't matter since I have a family. It was something I was grateful to have. Bruce bolted out of the green-house when the two found his location. Bruce ran towards the brush in the back of the garden. The brush covered an old, unused well.

Mom and Dad were always trying to get me to join the others. But I was more independent, I made it a goal to crawl out of my shell. My parents knew I lacked social skills. Something was off, I could feel it rattle my rib-cage. I could hear a crack sound, one that was loud. Then a tumble, and a spine crawling scream. I could feel my heart race when I heard the scream. My heart nearly tore out of my chest. I knew who that scream belonged to.


I took off running, and ran towards the back where the old well was. Rachel and Breanne hurried when they heard the scream.

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