Chapter 12

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After some minutes we got to the park and the place is beautiful even though that is winter and the trees are naked. In fact Taehyung was right, it's cold as hell here and I keep shaking like a fish on the land.

"Let's go to the car for a while, you will get a cold if we stay here." Taehyung say taking my hand in his to pull me after him but I take my hand from his, just following him. "Your nose is so red." He laugh and I put my palm on my nose, covering it to make it less cold.

"It's not my fault that right now are like less then five degrees." I say rolling my eyes, opening the door of the car. I get in and so do he, opening the cars warming air. I inhale the air and I close my eyes when the lavender sent hit my nose, it's smells so good. I can't believe he still use this lavender perfume.

"Do you want a tea? I can go buy you one if you want."

"Would you?" I ask making him to laugh. "Then go buy me one please. I want a lemon tea."

"Oky, I'll be back in five minutes." He say getting his wallet from between the chairs and opening his door. I nod and he close the door, going probably to the stands we pass by some minutes ago.

I drink from my tea and I look trough the window to the occasional kids that walk on the park, holding in their hands sweets and probably cups of tea as well.

"How is the others doing?" Taehyung brake the silence that is between us by some minutes.

"They are good." I say before taking a sip from my hot tea.

"Are they still together?"

"Yea, they all are together and we also live in the same house. Imagine how annoying is sometimes to see them doing disgusting couple things." I say rolling my eyes, making him to laugh.

"I'm happy for them, they seem good people."

"They are."

"What about you?"

"About me?"

"Are you dating someone?" I raise an eyebrow before laughing.

"That's none of your business." The whole situation is so awkward. How can he ask that so casually? "What about you?"

"Well how you said is not your business. But I'm still telling you so, no, I don't date anymore."

I nod taking a sip from the tea, trying to make my body to don't react to his words. But I can't and my heart skip a beat when I hear it. I know that is wrong to have this feelings deep down in my heart and I can't be with him anymore, but my heart don't understand. I shouldn't be happy about it, I should be indifferent. His private life is none of my business.

I let out a sigh, a little cloud forming in front of my face. As I was expecting, as the hours pass the degrees get lower.

I put a hand on my head in a acting way and I pose for the photo. It's just four pm and I'm pretty sure he want me to pose when the lights are also opened so we stay here until dark.

I do another pose and he just take the photos, looking at me trough the camera.

"Lay on the ground where the leafs are and put a hand on your forehead." He say making me to roll my eyes. From when we got here he just boss me around and I need to do what he say because if I don't collaborate then our hours together double. I think I'm getting angry just because it's him, I guess if it was other photographer I would do it with... "Open your mouth and close your eyes as you have a headache."

I roll my eyes doing so.

I wanna go home.

"Perfect." He say making me to open my eyes. Yes perfect because you actually give me a headache asshole. Taehyung look at his camera, examining the photos. I sigh looking up at him, he is so fucking tall.

"Look." He say getting to my level, turning the camera to my direction so I can see the photo. "Isn't it nice? I'll give it a little editing and it would look amazing."

"I guess it's nice." I say looking at the picture he just took of me.

"What do you mean 'I guess'? It is nice." He say placing the camera on the ground. "You look so pretty like that." He say cupping my cheek with his warm hands. I just look up at him don't knowing if I should take his hands off or not. He just get lower and lower until our breaths merge. "I wanna kiss you right now." He say making me to open my eyes in shock, our eyes meeting. What did he said?


"I know, I'm dumb, just leave it. I shouldn't said that. I made you feel uncomfortable again."

"We are friends, remember? Friends don't do that stuff." I say pushing him away. "Can we go now? I'm freezing."

"Sure. Sorry again."

"It's okay. Just stop doing that."

"I'll try."

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