Chapter 7

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hi lol it been a while:)) sorry but school and work take most of my time, i really wanna end this book so i think it's gonna be just some chapters till the end, like10 and i think i'll post all of em this month lol not like i usually do...a chapter a year:))
so ya...enjoy

I place the black beret on my head and i look myself in the mirror for the last time, it would be okay. i close the door behind me and i walk towards the exit of the hotel, holding in my hand my glasses. Felix is probably waiting for me for too much now and i don't want to make him to wait even more. I tried to make myself calm down looking at my reflection in the mirror and i even splashed some water in my face, ruining my makeup so i needed to remake it, taking me more time that i expected. I close the glass door of the hotel and i look for Felix's car, finding it easy, the red color making it visible trough all the black classy cars.

"Morning Felix." I say once i open the car's door, entering.

The blond boy let his phone down and raise his head, giving me a beautiful smile. "Morning Jimin."

I take the seat belt and i put it in, Felix opening the car. "So, are you exited for the photoshoot?"

"A little." I say feeling how the knot form in my tummy again.

Felix start laughing, making me feel a little better. "You must got bored of it as you sound offense."

I giggle placing my glasses on. "Maybe."

I been so childish all day, crying of how i don't wanna be in the same room as him but now if u think of's the perfect opportunity to make him feel the same.

Felix move his attention to the road and for the rest of the way i keep it silent expect from when he asked me something. I looked trough the window and i realized how beautiful is today outside, i can't wait to visit the town.

Felix park the car in front of the company, taking me out of my thoughts. I unlock my belt, taking my phone out of my pocket, texting Jin that i got to the building. And as i expected he answers in the same minute, telling me to take care.

We get down and i take a deep breath. It would be a long day.

"Good luck to the shoot." He say smiling.

"Thank you." I say smiling back.

"I'll be in Chan's office if you want something just come and tell me." We enter the building and as we wolk on the hall Chan come out of a room, giving us a smile. "Morning." He say once we get next to him.


"Are you ready for it?" Chan ask me and I nod. "Good then." He say before turning to Felix's direction. "Babe I'll be back in some minutes." He say making Felix to blush. I didn't known they have something together, that's cute. "Cmon Jimin."

I start following Chan but not before saying a see ya to Felix. The building it's so big and the place is arranged in the most beautiful way, the things being colorful and different in every room. Don't seem to be like Chan's taste, I guess he would paint the walls black and put some black and white things in it. We enter a big room painted in white and my heart start pounding faster once I see the person that hold a camera, probably repairing the settings.

"Morning Taehyung." Chan say going towards the man, but I stop behind, looking at them.

"Morning. Have you seen the black cap of the camera?" He say looking on the table.

"It's on the chair, anyway, I'll let Jimin in your hands. I need to go to sign that papers." Chan say giving Taehyung the cup.

Taehyung move his gaze to me and for some seconds I can see how his lips curve in a smile but he cover it fast, his expression going back to a neutral one. "Ya, no problem. I'll just show him how I want the photoshoot to be."

"Okay, see ya." He say walking towards me. "Have fun." He say putting his hand on my shoulder. I give him a smile and I nod. "Okay." I say and he get his hand off, walking out off the room.

Well shit.

"Morning, Mr Park." Taehyung say coming closer. "How are you today?"

I roll my eyes mentally and I raise my gaze to his. "Morning, Mr Kim. I'm good, what about you?" Well, this conversation is dryer then my neck.

"Good as well. Take a sit, I'll go search for the folder." He say going towards a door. I sigh sitting on the small sofa. Can this get more awkward then this?

The man close the door behind him and he come next to me on the sofa, holding the folder on his hand. He give it to me and I take it, our fingers touching a little. "I guess Chan already show you this. I'll just tell you how I want it to look like. Okay?" I nod and his lips curve in a smile. "Okay. So, I want the cover to be less darker then the rest of the photos, but not that much. As the photoshoot theme is 'winter scream'  I imagined it would look cool to do it in a park, you wearing alternative clothes and makeup." He say making me to imagine myself in a alternative style, something that I don't find really odd, I feel like it would look good. "What do you say?"

"I guess I'll look cool."

"I'm glad you like it." He say smiling. "I hope we can work together and not be awkward after what happened."

"What happened? Mr Kim, I don't know anything about you and you don't know anything about me."

"But I want to know about you."

"No Taehyung...We don't know each other, so be professional." I say raising my voice.


"Because I don't wanna talk to you or even see you."

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