Little Dark Age

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It's 4:30 pm, Noah tells us that we will be leaving now. Mr Matthew and Noah start walking towards our car. Mrs Matthew holds my hand.

"It's been a while since we have seen Noah so happy. ", she smiles as she looks towards him." He is been a mess after things took a different and unexpected turn. I know you might not know but he seems happy with you. I just want one thing from you Sarah", her eyes become serious. "Yes Mrs Matthew you can ask me anything", I assure her. " I want you to promise me one thing, whatever happens, tomorrow please don't leave Noah, even though he won't admit but he needs you", her eyes become soft and concern can be seen through her eyes. "I promise", I reply as I hug her.

"Hey kid, she is a keeper. Do whatever you want to but don't hurt her ever. Okay?", Mr Matthew turns to me as we reach the car. " I promise ", I reply and give him an assuring smile.

We wave and say goodbye to the lovely couple. And head to our next destination.

I understand

" Thank you Noah", I reply as I smile looking at Noah

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

" Thank you Noah", I reply as I smile looking at Noah. "Why?", he asks all confused. " I don't know.", I reply and look outside my window.
The sky was turning into shades of orange. The sun was setting and the sky looked like a mixture of colours. All shades of orange and pink covered the sky and the clouds just gave the perfect touch to the sunset sky. It was calm and the rays of the sun now were soft and comfortable.
We spend the next hour in complete silence. Just the road and some songs.

...'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding mine...

Noah turned up the volume and we both shared a soft smile. I started humming the song. I suddenly stopped humming when Noah started singing the song. His voice. It was a blessing to ears. I fell in love with the song again but this time it was not the lyrics but the voice. His voice had a hidden feeling and it just made the song more beautiful. As I looked at him, his eyes were closed as he was completely into the song. He looked so beautiful.

I must be staring at him for too long because I could see him smirking at me."What?!", I ask him as I knew what exactly he was smirking at. He knew his voice was an addiction and anyone can fall for him. His smirk clearly showed how proud he was that he made me feel that way.
I didn't fight back but just smiled at him. He was surprised that didn't fight back and he too just smiled.

We stopped at this point, it was just in the middle of the road. I was confused, we stood at a place that was leading to nowhere. I looked at Noah and he asked me to come out of the car. I did as he said, "Where are we, Noah?", I said as I walked beside him. " Don't ask questions, Sarah. Just tell me if you trust me?", he asked as he looked at me waiting for my answer. I nodded yes, he holds my hand and gives a slight squeeze assuring me. We start walking, I don't say a single word and follow him. We walk through the place, it looks like a forest. Bushes and trees covering the whole surrounding. After walking for some time we reach an end, there are no trees now and it's an open place. It is away from the city area and at a height from where the whole city is visible.

I walk a little ahead. I see the night city. The lights from a million houses, streets and shops just lighten up the night world. And to the infinite ends, the whole place is covered with lights. On the contrary, the above sky is dark but the stars just reflect the lights of the city and the moon it just spreads it lightly in the night sky, lighting up both the sky and city. This is just incredible.

I feel Noah's hands on my shoulder. I turn around and he looked so satisfied seeing my confused, surprised and happy face. He let out a small laugh and then turned me around to see the view. He came near to me and whispered in my ears, "This is my escape place. Seeing this makes me forget everything. Every worry, every stress is just a tiny thing when I see this infinite thing and it makes me believe in myself."

I nod a yes while my eyes are still on the infinity. I walk a little further to see it more closely but then I look down and take steps back until I feel Noah's muscular body touch my little figure. He wraps his strong hands around me. " You fear heights, don't you?", he said softly. "Just close your eyes and feel the air on your face. Take two deep breaths and then look at the sky", he said and I followed everything. I closed my eyes and instantly I felt relaxed, comfortable and safe, I took two deep breaths and looked at the sky. It looked prettier than before. I looked at Noah, he smiled at me and we walk towards the edge and sat on a big rock. Noah never left my hand and keep assuring me that I would be safe with him. We sat there side to side and too close to each other.

"DRAPETOMANIA", he said his gaze fixed on the sky. " What?", I asked as I looked at him. "An overwhelming urge to run away.", he replied finally moving his gaze to me. "That's what I feel every day, every moment. I just wanna run away from this world, somewhere where things are different and I can start all over again. I am so done with everything", he said his eyes were tensed and there was a pain in his voice. I can feel it. I put my hand over his shoulder and give him a soft smile. "Noah, so there's this thing, we can feel only so much pain which we can take, which we allow ourselves to carry."

"What does that mean?", he replied a bit confused.
"Okay. Let me explain to you, Pain is inevitable and it will always exist, but if you focus on understanding what you are feeling and why you are feeling it, you will overcome it. Just always be the better person. And make your intentions pure. What and who you are is what you'll attract, what you'll maintain.", I reply.

"Yeah. That's true but sometimes things are different, Sarah. You are trying your best to make things better, trying to save bonds but all you see is things are getting much worse it's so much pain and you can't do anything but hurt yourself more and more. That's where you don't know what to think and that's just-", he almost breaks down. I see tears rolling down those beautiful eyes. I could see the pain behind the beautiful face. He was hurt, so much hurt.
I wrapped my hands and pulled him closer to me, I wanted him to know that I understand and I just want to help him.

"I want to help you, I want you to know-", his eyes looked up into my eyes. His eyes showed how weak he was inside, he was broke.

I wanted to fix him but I was not sure if I could do that. I didn't want to fix him while I break myself.

"I don't need you to light up my world, just sit with me in the dark.", he said this and pulled me into a hug.
A hug where I could feel him, feel his pain and suffering.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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