Everything at once

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No sleep

I can't sleep after what happened today

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I can't sleep after what happened today. My mind keeps on repeating itself. Was this all for real? Or am I hallucinating? I want to believe this but I am lost myself. I want this but I can't accept this. Everything was so unexpected.
" Sarah, are you okay?", Rose asked me, I could see the concern on her face. I looked at her, all lost in thoughts, "I- I'm okay", I fake a smile and she knows it. "C'mon, tell me, Sarah. I'm here for you", she told me putting her hand in mine. " It's about Noah", I tell her. I tell her everything that happened after we left after our English class. She listened to me and I could see Lexi in her. I remember she used to listen to me exactly like this.

"What's disturbing you when everything seems perfect", Rose ask after listening to me. "I don't know, it-it just feels different. I had a fight with this guy yesterday and today we kissed.", I reply as I get up from my bed and walk towards my window.

"She has something which no one has.", I turn to Sam who smiles at me. "She is just perfect, she doesn't need me. ", I say as I let out a sigh. Sam was towards me and puts his hand on my shoulder and says, "I think before assuming you should talk to her.", I look at him and agree with him. " So are we good to sleep now?", I nod yes and he smiles at me.

" It's the weekend tomorrow, you can meet him and talk. That will sort out a lot of think", Rose tells as she walks towards me. I look at her and agree to it. "Let's get some sleep," I tell her but I am not willing to.

It's 4 am I am just lying on my bed. I don't feel like sleeping. I turn around and see Rose was sleeping. I take my phone and call Lexi.
" Hey, can I talk to you?", I ask her. "Do you need permission now? Just shoot", she replies. I get up from my bed and sit near the window. Looking to the sky I tell her everything. "I know what is disturbing you. You just feel if you are perfect for him or not?", she says and I wonder I she knows what exactly I want her to know. " Sarah, just hive it some time and see you'll get all your answers", she says.  "Yeah, I think you are right.", I say as I let a sigh of relief." I know I am always right. Now go to sleep!", I laugh and say goodbye to her and end the call.

I feel much better.

The journal

The journal

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