I knew you were trouble

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It was 8:00 in the morning, the rays of the early sun entered our room from the big window

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

It was 8:00 in the morning, the rays of the early sun entered our room from the big window. I opened my eyes and looked to my right, Rose was still asleep. I decided to get a shower and make coffee for both of us.

So there's a thing about the shower, we get random thoughts and sometimes even so answers to questions. The brain works differently.

I came out of the shower and put on a decent dress for the day. I had a plain yellow top and a pair of blue jeans. I wore a gold necklace that my mom gifted me for my 16th birthday. I went to the kitchen area to make coffee.
"Good Morning Sarah, are you making coffee?", Rose said as she woke her from her bed. " Good Morning, would you like to have one? I said as took two cups and started to mix coffee and sugar in one. " Don't say you are already ready and that I am late", she said as she looked at me. I laughed at her horrified face and replied," No, you are good, I had some work to do because leaving so I woke up early."

She smiled at me and went to take a shower. I made coffee and kept her cup on her study and mine on my study. Then I went to my cupboard and grabbed my black bag. It had my diary which had all the important dates marked. I sat in my study and opened a new page. I started writing all the to-do list of the day. I had to submit some important documents to the head office. Then my classes and later I have to visit the nearby grocery. That's all for today I guess. I think to myself if I was missing out on something.
" You maintain a diary, Sarah?", Rose asked as she came out of the bathroom. " Yes, I have 3 diaries, one has all my random to-do list and important dates and events. The other one is my good words, where I write about things that come to my mind. And the third is my favourite, my mom gifted me on my 18th birthday last year, it has a complete journey. All my dreams and some topics I love to read and write upon. ", I reply showing her all three books. " that's amazing Sarah, I would love to read them. ", she said with a wide smile on her face.

Rose gets ready for the day, while I back my bag with books and all the important stuff that I'll need for the day. I go to my side table and look for a good book to read. I take the first book, THE LOST WORLD - It's a book which talks about the imaginary world we all want to live in. This world feels like a safe place, the place we use to escape from our reality.

"You love to read books, isn't it?" Rose said as she turns to me. She has dressed up like a doll. A white turtle neck top and a pink skirt. Her hair tied in a high ponytail. With a pink bracelet in her hand.
"Yes, I have read many books, they help me to escape from this world. I don't read books too often but when I feel like I am lost or something doesn't feel right, then it helps me to feel better. ", I reply as I put the book in my bag and move to the study table.
I hand her coffee and tell her that she looked like a cute doll today. She smiled at me and thanked me for the compliment. We both finished our coffee and headed to the door.

Into Your ArmsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang