I had tears brimming my eyes with all the love that I felt coming from P. I closed my eyes as I felt P leaning in, he kissed me.. our lips were moving in sync. I didn't want the kiss to end but I need to breath so I broke the kiss. He smiled widely as his dimples were visible and I did the thing which I felt like.. I kissed his dimples.

I felt shy so I rested my head in crook of neck. P' kissed my forehead while saying "I love you Kongpob" to which I smiled widely wrapping my arms around him. After sitting there for long P' dropped me back to my condo and went to his room. This night was filled with warmth and I drifted to sleep feeling serene.

Arthit's POV

**Day 3**

The past two days have been absolutely blissful. I even managed to get a kiss on my lips by Kong and God I can't get enough of it.. From the second I tasted his lips.. I wanted more.. but I should take it slow. Ahh I love Kong so much I just want to be together with him already.

For today I have decided to take Kong on a one day trip to Chiang Mai. I asked Dae and he told me that Kong loves mountains so Chiang Mai was my go to option. I picked Kong up at around 4:00 am early in the morning and made our way to Chiang Mai.

Our first destination was Doi Suthep Mountain national park, We rented out bikes and completed the tracks and hiked a bit. Kong had a peaceful and one of the most brightest smile decorating his face. 

Following the hike we went to Chian Dao Caving and jungle kayaking. The caverns were filled with mesmerizing aesthetics. We crossed the kayak from the ping river through the untouched jungles of northern Thailand.

Everything was adventurous, it pumped us with excitement and energy for the rest of the day. After that we went to Segway which is Asia's one of the best zip-line eco-adventure canopy tour. It overlooked great landmarks and monuments of Chiang Mai. The sight was breath-taking.

After the adventurous noon we went to look for food. We opted for street food and had chicken satay along with crêpes. The food was filling and delicious. Next we went to Art in Paradise Illusion Museum. This Museum was unlike any other normal art museum.

This museum was filled with 3D paintings and photographs that could be touched. The paintings took us in another whacky world. Lastly we decided to visit a temple to make merit together. The whole day.. I kept on staring at Kong.. his smile.. small giggles.. his everything got my eyes locked on him.

 Around 12:00 am we went back to Bangkok. Kong has been hyper the whole day and slept back the whole ride. I woke him up when we reached his condo. Kong hugged me tighter, kissed me on my neck and went to his room wishing me good night leaving me grinning widely at his shyness.. Today was filled with so many interesting activities we enjoyed it thoroughly but I am also tired now so I went back and slept, dreaming about our future together.

**Day 4** (a separate study room)

Kong's POV

P'Arthit is going to break me with all his affection, I might always want to keep him by my side because of how much he means to me. I already love him and can't wait to accept when he asks me to be his boyfriend but for now he is only courting he has already gone above and beyond and I have no idea what next thing he has up his sleeves.

After my late evening class was done my friends took me to a restaurant for dinner, I am feeling worn, I don't know why they didn't let me go to my dorm... they don't usually frequent restaurants all that much, I have a gut feeling that they are trying to hide something from me. Even Dae is hiding something.. I asked him what's going on but he only avoided my eyes and changed the topic while putting food for me on the plate.

After dinner it was already 9 my friends dropped me to the dorm Dae wanted to stay with Tew so he also went with them. I opened the door and walked inside. I switched on the light and someone covered my eyes I was about to hit him, as I thought that h was a burglar broke in... But I did not  because the voice behind me said
"Sshh I am Arthit, Kong I have a surprise for you don't open your eyes" P' said. Another surprise how is P even managing to do all this along with his Job. He took me to an empty storage room and removed his hands from my eyes I squealed in delight a bit embarrassed by my bubbling happiness.

The empty storage room was fully converted to a furnished study room. It also matched my personality. The walls were painted gray with pictures of both our friends and us at the freshy events hanging there. The study room had two desks one for my work as agent and the other for my school. It's going to be super convenient from now.

I have been thinking to do something similar but didn't have the time to do it but look at my P'Arthit he already did it. I was feeling so warm in this room and loved. I turned around and wrapped myself around P' Arthit. I kept on murmuring 'thank you' again and again while placing small kisses on is neck.

We stayed like that for a while and I was drifting to sleep when P'Arthit carried me to my room.. I mumbled a bit about how I didn't want him to carry me but I still let him do it. P'Arthit pecked my lips and slept next to me that night. This is the first time.. I was hugging someone in my sleep... never did I get such chance. I felt safe.. and above that I felt like this is my new home. I snuggled more with him.. he was the warmth for me.. he is my Oon.

Co-Writer : Stoneage_heart Stoneage_heart ❤❤

Finally.. Arthit is making the move.. let us see what else is P'Arthit up for to make his lovely Kong..  HIS.!!!!!!!!
Stay Safe..!

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