I let out a shaky breath, "Why would you ask me that?" 

"Because I'm curious. I want to know if leaving everything that made you happy was worth it. Was it?" 

I cleared my throat, grabbing the first file. "I got it all done, all the contracts are signed, all the details are there. I think it was... Adam Willow, yeah. He wanted to have a meeting with you, one on one about the profits from the—" 

"You're very good at avoiding questions. Were you always this good at it or did you improve?" 

"No, I think I've always been good at it," I huffed, putting my palms on the table. "You can ask me this outside of work if you really want to know, but I don't think we should be talking about this because you're my boss. Am I wrong, Mr. Reed?" 

He twirled the pencil between his fingers, staring at me. "You came to a whole new city all on your own." 

"You say 'city' like I came into a whole new dimension," I mumbled. 

"It's a big city with a lot of people, Emma." 

"Don't call me that. You shouldn't." 

"Fine. It's a big city with a lot of people, Ms. Bailey," he said, rolling his eyes, tilting his head to one side. 

"Well, I was in a dorm, with friends, working a job, using my savings, and I did just fine. My parents helped too. You've asked me questions about everything other than the contracts. Why did you hire me again?" 

He sighed, took the file, and looked through it. "Adam Willow, you said?" 

"Yes," I replied. 

He looked through his contract and then closed the file. "Call him or his manager, whoever is easier to contact, and arrange a meeting for..." He looked at his computer, probably checking his schedule. "Friday, dinner at eight o'clock. You have to be there." 

"Okay. Send me your schedule, please." 

"Make the reservations. He likes Korean food, so pick a nice restaurant." 

"Will do, anything else?" I asked, standing upright. 

"No, you're free to go home or stay, whatever you'd like. There are still three hours till all the other employees are dismissed but you did your job, so you're free to go." 

"That's fine, I'll stay. Just in case you need me." 

His eyes snapped up to mine. 

"For anything to do," I clarified, like an idiot. 

Why else would he need me? 

"All right. Get me coffee then," he ordered. 

I sighed. "Okay, Mr. Reed. Whatever you say," I smiled. I spun around to get out of his office and headed for the door. 


I stopped, spinning on my heels to look at him. "Yes?" 

He stood up and walked over, halting merely inches away from me. 

My breath hitched in my throat and my heart actually stuttered. I held my breath, not moving at all as he stepped closer. I looked up at him, keeping my eyes locked with his because it wouldn't be a good idea to look anywhere else. 

His eyes scanned my face, lingering on my lips. I blinked and his eyes snapped back up to mine. 

I forgot how pretty his eyes were. I could stare at his eyes alone for hours, I've never seen eyes like his. They're literally like pools of honey and whiskey. They look even better under the sun. Looking at his eyes, it makes me want brown eyes too. No, I have blue eyes instead. They're okay but I appreciate brown eyes more, always have since I met him. They're almost golden sometimes. 

Stop obsessing over his eyes. 

I looked at him, watching as he lifted a hand and pulled the pencil out of my hair slowly. "Couldn't lose this pencil again," he said softly. 

Did he just use a pencil as a metaphor? Or am I reading too much into that? 

"You may go." 

I turned around and walked out, not uttering a single word. I walked to the coffee room on our floor and grabbed a paper cup for his coffee. I made it, how he actually likes it this time. One pack of coffee, one pack of cream. I mixed it up and then left the room, going back to his study after putting a cap on the cup. He was reading through the other contracts, signing them when I got back there. "Coffee. One pack of sugar, one pack of cream." I put it down in front of him. 

"Thanks," he mumbled, not looking away from the papers. 

"Just... let me know if you need anything else, okay?" 

He nodded, closing one file and moving to the next. 

I went into my room and sat on the couch instead of my desk and kicked my heels off, rubbing my heels and ankles. I lay down on the couch, trying to think of some ways to kill time. And maybe forty minutes later, when I was lying upside down, with my head dangling off the edge, the door opened and he walked in. 

"This is an..." he trailed off, looking at me. "What are you doing?" 

I sat upright, looking at him. "I was bored." 

He shook his head. "This is an article about Samantha Corrin, she's an upcoming, teen author. Try contacting her manager and have her sign her debut book with us." 

I stood up, not bothering to pull my heels on, and walked over, taking the papers. 

He's so much taller than me right now. He was still taller than me when I was wearing heels but it's a huge difference now. "I told you, you could leave," he repeated. 

"I told you, I'd rather stay. I don't have anything to do at home." 

"Isn't someone waiting for you?" 

I looked up at him, surprised at how bluntly he asked me that. I'm reading way too much into everything he's saying and it has to stop. I shook my head softly, "No. Why?" 

He shrugged, "No reason. I was just curious." He turned back around and went into his room.






Chapter 5

ya'll levitating by dua is stuck in my head. help.

next chapter: dinner

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