First session? Or is it?

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"What are you doing here?," Irene asked, raising an eyebrow. She remembers Yeri telling her that her female client is waiting in room number 6. There's no way in hell she got the room wrong. The question is why, a person like Wendy paid 700 dollars for today.

Wendy who seemed to be frozen gulped. She closed her eyes, telling herself to breathe before starting a monologue of explanation.

"I-I hired you...," Wendy simply replied.

Irene groaned in a small voice before making her way to the younger woman. She had a bad day today due to having to pole dance for a few hours so she was annoyed and pissed both. And seeing her client who can't even speak to her without stuttering sent her even more over the edge.

She hired me huh? She's gonna get what she paid for.

Irene said with fire burning inside her as she pushed Wendy on the bed while straddling her.

The younger one who was frozen seemed to regret doing this as she tightly shut her eyes. Irene leaned in as she placed sloppy kisses on Wendy's cheek, moving down to her neck.

The girl beneath brought her shivering hands up, keeping them on Irene's shoulders, trying to push her back from herself.

"What? You paid for this!," Irene said angrily as she kissed more roughly over her client's neck.

When Irene felt the shivering and shaking beneath her, she came back to her senses. Seeing Wendy's flustered, nervous and scared face, she exhaled deeply. She knows she is irritated and riled up today but that's no way to treat her client. A shy and scared one to be exact.

Irene held Wendy's shaky hand in hers tightly as she rubbed them a little. She got off from above her client and sat down beside her.

"Sorry. You can sit up now," Irene said, in a slightly ashamed voice. She really lost her patience for a second there.

Wendy gulped as she opened her eyes, slowly sitting up on the bed. She kept looking at the floor below for a few moments before building up the courage to look sideways to the stripper.

"Do you want me to fuck you? Or do you want to fuck me?," Irene straightforwardly asked, brushing her hair.

"Um.. n-none?," Wendy answered.

Irene who was shocked by this answer looked into Wendy's eyes which stated that this was indeed the truth. Irene blinked a few times. Taking this weird information in.

"Then.. why'd you hire me?," Irene asked, frowning in confusion.

"T-To.. spend time with you?," Wendy offered an answer with a small smile.

"And so that you wouldn't spend time with Jennie," Wendy mumbled this part, looking at the floor once again.

"Well.. I don't know what to say to that," Irene said. When her client's words finally sunk down in her brain, she gave a laugh. A loud laugh which startled her client.

"W-What?," Wendy asked in confusion, looking at the laughing woman.

"Nothing," Irene said, trying to stop the laughter. It feels funny to see her shy hamster client trying to compete with the one who is literally the definition of mean and ice. That too, for her.

"So what do you want to do for 4 hours?," Irene asked after a few minutes.

Wendy looked around the room for a few minutes. She stood up, walking to the television and switching it on.

"Let's watch a movie!," Wendy said excitedly.

"Yah wait!!," Irene warned as she stood up to sprint towards the younger girl who had a remote in her hand.

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