Chapter 5

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So I'm gonna call the (o/y/n) from the Hoodie & Masky ~ Matilda for now.
And then we'll just have (y/n) as you so there's no confusion in this current book. 😁

As you sat in your apartment, reading a the book of Romeo and Juliet you couldn't help but admire all of the works Shakespeare had done, and you wanted to write a book yourself but things kept distracting you from ever finishing when you tried, you wished you could write as fast as you could read.

You kept thinking back to the dream you had, it brought back some very bad memories of when you went to a public pool and almost drowned....but that wouldn't stop you from living your life and enjoying the water.

You had finally read the very last page of the book, sighing you thought about the meaning of love, 'twas a lot like your book.
Romeo liked Juliet purely out of lust, was it the same for Juliet?. Probably not, she probably just loved the attention and in that era is was quite common for a woman to find love and be married off at a young age. Once they had found this odd and strange love, they got possessive for one another, they started lying, sneaking around and just like everyone else they're love was doomed from the start not only bringing them pain but everyone else around them pain as well......

You placed the book down back on its bookshelf.
Then tried to open up your laptop, it was still stuck on that same page called clever bot you forgot to close out stared at the page, deciding to refresh it you were going to tell off this person once and for all, no more creepy nightmares.

"Who are you?"
"Who is who?."
You sighed in annoyance.
"The guy from last night, who are you. Don't be a coward, unless you're seriously gonna let a girl win."
"You've met a terrible fate haven't you?."
"There he is!."

Glitched Love ~ Ben Drowned X Reader Where stories live. Discover now