Chapter 6

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The lights in your room began to flicker.
"Curiosity killed the cat."
The computer replied.
You let out a pft.
"Yeah, but sometimes it saves everyone, so."
A static blob came out of your computer, a grey blob and all you could see was glowing red eyes, it grabbed a hold of you before you even had the chance to scream, you closed your eyes hoping that it was just another dream.

You fell unconscious and when you awoke you were chained up to a bed, a very dirty looking, rusty looking bed but all around the room was things of Zelda, you were so confused.
*Am I hallucinating again?. Or did I really get kidnapped by a Zelda nerd.?*

The door creaked open.
A boy/man who looked just like Link except not as well built and shorter and his eyes were the same shade of red as you had seen before you blacked out.
He stood there smiling menacingly.
"Told you that curiosity always killed the cat."

Your eyes went wide.
"Does that mean your gonna hurt me?. But why? Who are you? I didn't even do anything to you?. How did you do that to my computer?. Are you a demon?."

You asked so many questions that Ben felt fed up with you and slammed his fist on a desk next to him.
"Shut up, your so annoying!."
You looked down at the chains wrapped around your arms and legged and sighed.
Ben sighed too.

"Look, this isn't something I normally do with people so....I'm sorry for snapping on you like that- and I'm sorry if those chains are hurting you-
"Then why did you do this?. Answer my questions!."
You shouted interrupting him.

A knock was heard on the door and it was a woman...she looked human like you.
"H-hey! Help!. Where am I?. Who are you?. Do you have Stockholm Syndrome?."
The girl laughed.

"No, and yes I am human like name is Matilda and trust me when I say there is nothing to worry about, at least not as long as I'm living under the same roof as you. Ben please unchain her, was this really necessary?. Now she'll never be able to go home and feel safe in her own home again."
The woman Matilda scowled Ben and he bent his head down in shame.

Ben walked up to you and undid the chains, you broke the window and jumped out very first chance you got but unfortunately someone else caught you.
You were about to scream as you saw a man with a blue and black mask on.
"It's okay."
He said quietly.

"I'm guessing Ben brought you here right?."
You nodded as the man let you down gently.
"My name is EJ. Ben is stupid, you remind me of Matilda when she first arrived, she jumped out the window too....the only difference is she was brought here on her own will."

Glitched Love ~ Ben Drowned X Reader Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz