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The hot rays of sun casted down upon the fields, everyone on them sweating as they worked hard to produce enough food for the village to eat. It was always the same routine for the people living far away from the big cities; wake up, skip breakfast since there was barely any food besides rice, then head out to the fields and work all day.
Even though he was only nineteen years old, this too was Hyunjin's way of living. He needed to support his big family of seven, seeing he was the oldest of them all. His slightly younger sister Yoona was send to one of the bigger cities nearby, in hopes of finding a decently wealthy man she could get married to. Even though the Hwang family wasn't rich, they had the looks to pursuade the ones that did have more money to marry them. At least, that was the plan.

Hyunjin let out a grunt as he picked up the bag of potatoes, throwing it over his shoulder as he wiped the sweat of his face before making his way over to the barn. The owner thanked him for his hard work today and handed him two silver coins, which caused Hyunjin to thank the man in return. He left as the sun started to set, enjoying the breeze that finally gave him a form of cooling which he received for seemingly the first time of the day.

The walk from the barn to his house was a decently long one, yet the boy never minded the walk home unless there was a storm out. With summer in full swing, it seemed unlikely to be the case and instead, Hyunjin enjoyed the setting sun with a small smile.
Sure, he wasn't rich nor did he have a real 'purpose' in life, but he loved it nonetheless. Because it was his to lead, with the people he loved. It was little things like walking home from a day of work, that made the brown haired boy excited. To see his family that he loved so much was what always made him work harder.

Lost in his thoughts like always, he suddenly heard the hooves of horses from behind. Turning his head, he watched as a carriage came closer to him, so he quickly stepped further to the left side of the road. Horses kind of terrified him— especially when they were running, so he wasn't in the mood to be too close to them.
The carriage passed a few seconds later and the boy couldn't help but notice the Royal insignia on the back of it. Confused as to why anyone from the royal family would be heading to his small country village, the boy picked up his pace and headed home.

Upon entering his house, Hwang Hyunjin was met with his mother in the kitchen like every other day. His siblings already sat at the old dining table, talking and laughing amongst themselves.

"Hello Hyunjin sweetheart, how was your day?" The kind soft voice of his mother caused a gentle smile to spread upon his cheeks before he simply walked over to her, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.
"It was fine." He fished the two silver coins from the pocket in his trousers as he put them in the small pot to the left of the stove. "Here, let me do it. Go sit at the table, you must be tired."

"Thank you." His mother responded before she indeed did what he'd told her, taking her seat at the table beside Hyunjin's younger siblings. Like mentioned, Yoona was currently not around and so his mother was the only one to look after the kids. They were too young to work, so all three of them were home all day, constantly needing attention from their mother. The youngest one, Hyeongjun, was the worst to entertain by far. Being only six, playing was the main thing on the boys' mind.

Right as Hyunjin put the now cooked rice on the table, his father entered the house. The oldest child watched his parents give each other a kiss upon their 'reunion', before he greeted his father with a smile also. Hyunjin sat down after also placing the green beans on the table as he grabbed a bowl to put rice in. Placing it in front of Yeyeong, he grabbed the next bowl for Hyeongjun and filled it up as well.

His father was about to sit down at the head of the table and finally be able to rest his feet after a day of work, when knocks could be heard on the door. A suspicious glance was exchanged between him and his wife, before he sighed and walked towards the door. When he opened it, everyone's eyes widened a bit at the unexpected guest.

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